Crime Watch


IPNEWS: Last week’s violent clashes erupted between the Liberia National Police (LNP) and supporters of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) near the party’s headquarters in Congo Town. The unrest has prompted sharp reactions from key political players, with the Alternative National Congress (ANC) and the Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) — in separate statements — condemning the violence and calling for a thorough investigation.

In a strongly worded statement, the ANC denounced the “lawlessness and violence” that unfolded, drawing parallels to Liberia’s troubled past. The party emphasized the need for the country to avoid reverting to the “dark days” of conflict and unrest. The ANC urged the government to establish an independent commission to investigate the incident and ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

“The citizens of Liberia deserve transparency and accountability,” said ANC’s National Chairman, Lafayette E. Gould. “We cannot allow our beloved nation to be torn apart by violence and lawlessness. It is time for all Liberians to come together and demand better from our leaders and ourselves.”

Meanwhile, the MPC, led by businessman Simeon Freeman, also condemned the violence but refrained from assigning blame. Instead, the party called on the Liberian government to reveal the true story behind the clashes. The MPC emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability, echoing the ANC’s sentiments.

“Government needs to be telling us the true story behind the violence that occurred between the police and the members of the CDC and let’s stop the blame game,” the MPC’s statement read. “There must be consequences for such massive disruptions and the injuries inflicted upon the people and State.”

The violent confrontation, which began early Thursday morning, has left Monrovians in shock. Eyewitnesses reported that the unrest started with a police raid near the CDC headquarters around 5 a.m., leading to roadblocks and clashes between CDC supporters and the police. The situation quickly escalated, with the police firing tear gas and CDC supporters retaliating by throwing stones.

The government, through Information Minister Jerolinmek Piah, accused former President George Weah and his CDC party of orchestrating the unrest as part of a “calculated and designed plan” to destabilize the nation. However, CDC officials, including Secretary-General Jefferson Koijee, claimed that the violence was provoked by an unannounced police raid, which they say involved gunfire and the entry of a police vehicle into the CDC compound the night before.

As the clashes continued, businesses and residents in the area were severely affected. Telecommunications giant Lonestar Cell MTN was forced to halt operations due to safety concerns, further exacerbating the impact on the local economy.

This incident marks the second violent clash between the LNP and CDC supporters in less than a month. On August 5, 2024, a similar confrontation occurred when riot police were deployed near the CDC headquarters in anticipation of planned protests across Monrovia.

Both the ANC and MPC have called for immediate action to prevent further violence and restore peace in the capital. As the situation remains tense, there is growing pressure on the Liberian government to provide a clear and truthful account of what transpired and to take steps to ensure the safety and security of all citizens.

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