Liberia: Sporadic Stone Throwing At CDC Headquarters Continues

Crime Watch

Liberia: Sporadic Stone Throwing At CDC Headquarters Continues

–As Massive Police Fight to Restore Calm

IPNEWS: Sporadic tension continues throughout the early hours of Thursday, after officers of the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency stormed the vicinity of the Congress for Democratic change (CDC), at about 3:00A.M. Thursday morning.

According to sources, the LDEA operations resulted into exchange of clashes with reports of exchange of live bullets. Even though this has not been independently verified.

Sources tell IPNEWS that four persons were arrested in the LDEA drugs sweep within the vicinity.

LNP Deputy Commissioner for Operations, Prince Mulbah, told Hott Morning Live that Police came under attack by persons believed to be partisans of the CDC leaving two officers severely wounded.

Commissioner Mulbah stated that the protesting CDC Partisans resulted into stone throwing with scores of private vehicles damaged.

IPNEWS reporter on the scene witnessed continuing heavy presence of police as sporadic stone throwing and police retaliation of teargas.

Acting CDC Youth League Chairman Avin Wesseh told Hott Morning Live that the CDC headquarter was currently besieged by police officers with heavy teargas.

Wesseh stated that the CDC was besieged with live bullet being discharged, however, maintained that partisans of The CDC will remain to defend the headquarters.

In a horrifying voice, Wesseh stated that four partisans were arrested and are demanding their immediate release.

As tension continues, House Speaker Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, enroute to the CDC called for clam yet sporadic stone throwing and teargas continues.

As intensive teargas and stone throwing continues, security detail of House Speaker had to horribly rush him out of the area.

Another CDC officials Representative Frank Saah Forkor locked in the CDC headquarters, told OK FM that he and other partisans were teargas.

He said his being at the CDC Headquarters is to restore calm and insisted that partisans were now being teargas with firing of live bullets on the instruction of Police Commissioner Georgy Coleman.

He stated scores of partisans are now bleeding and calls on the international community to quickly intervene.

Latest report says, sporadic teargas has once more erupted after mothers of the Women In Peace Building Network (WIPNET) attempted appealing to partisans of the CDC to stay calm and abandon their ongoing protest.

Our report says the while the women from WIPNET were chanting ‘we want peace’, some disenchanted youths from the headquarters of the CDC began throwing rock resulting into police teargassing and the eruption of teargas by the police to protect the ladies from WIPNET.

As tension continues, former Montserrado District No. 8 Representative Acarus Moses Gray, heavily guarded entered the CDC Headquarters unharmed.

Upon rerun from meeting partisans of the CDC, former Representative Gray refused to talk with the media. However, in a more disenchanted stay walked dressed in his CDC T-shirt with at least 10 bodyguards escorting him.

Enroute, former Representative Gray escorted by former Deputy Public Works Minister Chessen, demanded a meeting with authorities of the Liberia National Police Emergency Response Unit along the Tubman Boulevard.

Gray requested the commander of the ERU for an ongoing side meeting and is now returning at the CDC Headquarters. Gray negotiation skills has been hailed by many on the roadside and await outcome from his meeting with folks at the CDC. At the moment, relative calm has been restore with vehicle now moving freely along the Tubman Boulevard . Details come in as events unfolds.

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