Breaking News! Senator McGill Leaves LACC Amidst Tension Charge Environment

Crime Watch

Breaking News! Senator McGill Leaves LACC Amidst Tension Charge Environment

–As CDC Youth League Demanded Exit of Caucus Chairman

IPNEWS: Margibi County Senator and legal team have departed the LACC following questioning by LACC investigators.

Senator McGill told reporters moments ago that his visit at the LACC was in relations to an invitation sent him by the LACC to assist with ongoing investigation of payroll padding.

Others seen at the LACC was former Deputy Finance Minister for Fiscal Affair Samoro Wolokollie, former Justice Minister and former National Security Advisor to former President Goerge Manneh Weah.

Prior to their exit from the LACC, Acting chairman of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) Youth League, Avin Wesseh sounded a warning that members of the CDC Youth League would remain at the LACC to support its chairman of the CDC Progressive national Caucus.

Wesseh’s comments came in direct reaction to Police demand to vacate the LACC vicinity.

He stated that the police were projecting themselves as partisan police overtime when peaceful Liberians gathered to exercise their constitutional rights but the CDC Youth League would go nowhere until its chairman exited the LACC premises.

He accused the police of being used by stooges of the Boakai administration urging the police to stop molesting peaceful citizens as the CDC is not targeting the police.

“I can tell you that we can never be intimidated by the police. If you will be use as partisans’ police, we can assure you that we will take another step forward to causing stampede across the entire country.”

“Let say this, we saw you at the CDC Headquarters, we saw you at the RIA upon the arrival of former president George Weah, and we saw you at the Capitol Building when peaceful citizens and partisans of the CDC gathered but let me assure you we’re not moving a step until chairman McGill has exited this place.”

“The police is not partisan police and we will not move a step as we are peaceful citizens exercising our constitutional rights.” Alvin Wesseh acting Chair of the CDC Youth Leaue stated.

Wesseh statement has prompted the police to move in more troops on the grounds of the LACC in case of any eventuality as Senator Nathaniel McGill continue questioning by LACC investigators.

While tension blow outside, Senator McGill and legal team were seen

The visit of Senator McGill and his team of lawyers followed a communication dated August 19, 2024, to Senator McGill to avail himself for questioning in connection to an alleged ‘payroll padding’, while he served as Minister of State for Presidential Affairs. Details come in shortly.


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