Speaker Koffa Hails National Action Plan

Diaspora News

Speaker Koffa Hails National Action Plan

— As Key to Harmonizing Business Practices with Human Rights

IPNEWS: Speaker of the 55th National Legislature, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, has commended the organizers behind the launch of Liberia’s inaugural National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAPBHR). This groundbreaking initiative, aimed at aligning business practices with human rights standards, received broad support from government ministries, civil society organizations, and international partners.

Speaking at the launch, Speaker Koffa underscored the importance of human rights as the bedrock of Liberia’s constitution. “The fundamental basis of our constitution is human rights—the freedom and rights of individuals,” Koffa stated. “As our society progresses, the rights of ordinary citizens become the cornerstone of development. When businesses operate in a manner that respects these rights, we move closer to achieving a truly just and prosperous society.”

The Speaker lauded the collaborative efforts that culminated in the creation of the NAPBHR, recognizing the contributions of the Attorney General, civil society groups, and various government ministries.

He emphasized that the synergy between business and human rights is essential for the nation’s advancement. “This plan represents a collective commitment to ensuring that economic growth does not come at the expense of our people’s rights,” he added.

Peter Clements, WHO Country Director, speaking on behalf of the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Christine Umutoni, also delivered remarks at the event.

Clements highlighted the pivotal role of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPS) in shaping responsible business conduct worldwide.

He praised the collaborative efforts of the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the business community, and civil society organizations in bringing the NAPBHR to life.

“The launch of this important policy document is just the beginning,” Clements remarked. “Now, the real work begins as we move towards the operationalization and implementation of these principles in Liberia. The UN remains committed to supporting the Liberian government in this crucial endeavor.”

Clements stressed that the NAPBHR is designed to ensure that both the government and businesses uphold their responsibilities to respect human rights and provide effective remedies for any violations.

“This initiative is about creating a framework where businesses not only thrive but do so in a way that respects the dignity and rights of all Liberians,” he said.

Natty B. O. Davis, President of the Liberia Chamber of Commerce (LCC), also addressed the gathering, expressing his appreciation for the government’s and international partners’ efforts.

“We are grateful to the government, particularly the Ministries of Justice and Labour, for leading this crucial process. The Liberia Chamber of Commerce, alongside our partners, is fully committed to working with the government to ensure that the action plan’s goals are realized,” Davis affirmed.

Davis assured that the LCC would work closely with the government to ensure the successful implementation of the NAPBHR. He emphasized the importance of equal treatment for all under the Liberian flag.

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