Senate Pro-Tempore’ off to Democratic Convention In Chicago

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Senate Pro-Tempore’ off to Democratic Convention In Chicago

IPNEWS: Senate Pro-tempore’, Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence is off to the United States to attend this year’s Democratic National Convention scheduled to take place in Chicago, Illinois.

Pro-Tempore’ Lawrence in a podcast, stated that she and her delegation were on their way to attend the Democratic National Convention at the invitation of the National Democratic Institute where they will also attend the International Leadership Forum of major policymakers within the Democratic Party.

“We are pleased to announce that we are on our way to the USA to honor an invitation from the National Democratic Institute to attend the 2024 International Leaders Forum (ILF) at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, August 19-22, 2024.”

“Senior politicians and policymakers worldwide will attend the forum to observe an essential facet of the American democratic process.”

“Thanks to Sen. Thomas Daschle, Chairman, Board of Directors NDI, and the Institution for an opportunity to engage with leaders across diverse ideologies and geographies to build relationships based on our shared experiences and identify common interests as we address pressing challenges to Democratic institutions, values and norms.” Senate Pro-tempore’ Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence stated.

The podcast of Senator Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence comes amidst rumors that she and Senator Darius Dillion alongside numbers Senators were denied U.S. visas.

Last week Wednesday, August 14, 2024, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Liberian Senate cited officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to a meeting regarding the high rate of visa denials by the United States embassy to ordinary Liberians, the treatment of some Liberians in foreign service and other critical issues affecting Liberia’s foreign relations.

After the meeting, the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman and Montserrado County Senator, Abraham Darius Dillon, said they were concerned about the ratio of denial of Liberians applying for US visa at the embassy, and wanted to know the reasons behind such high rate of denial.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Sara Baysolow Nyanti, who attended the meeting along with her Deputy for Foreign Affairs, Cllr. Dewaitt Gray, disclosed that they are working out modalities to resolve the issue, and assured the committee and Liberians of their willingness to engage and address the matter with the US embassy and other foreign partners.

Recently, it was rumored that several officials of government, including lawmakers, were denied American visas and entry into the United States. However, the information felt short of disclosing the reason for the visa denials.

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