Sierra Leone’s President Calls For Structural Reform, Legitimate and Effective Representation of Africa in the UN Security Council


Sierra Leone’s President Calls For Structural Reform, Legitimate and Effective Representation of Africa in the UN Security Council

IPNEWS: ECOWAS current Representative of ECOWAS to the United Nations Security Council (UNC) and President of the UNC for the month of August 2024 hosted a high-level Security Council debate titled “Maintaining peace and order” on Monday, August 12. international security: Addressing historical injustice and strengthening Africa’s effective representation at the Security Council, as part of the agenda relating to maintaining international peace and security.”

Sierra Leonean president, S. E Julius Maada Bio presided over the United Nations Security Council session and called for an urgent review of the composition of the Council to reflect current geopolitical realities and ensure the efficiency and legitimacy of his role in resolving the issues of security. global security.

In this spirit, and in accordance with the principle of sovereign equality among all Member States, President Bio has also presented Africa’s long-standing concerns with valid justifications and demands for permanent seats for Africa in the CSUN, with all privileges and powers, and increase of the number of non-permanent seats in the CSNU, in accordance with the Ezulwini consensus and the Syrte declaration.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, President of the United Nations General Assembly Dennis Francis, civil society, members of the United Nations Security Council and representatives of the Committee of the 10 Heads of State of the African Union on Security Council Reform The United Nations, among others, in their various speeches, all approved the call to address the underrepresentation of Africa in the Organization and to support the need to strengthen its role in resolving issues related to peace and security in the world. The crucial debate is expected to be extended and shared positions with a strong contribution to the Pact for the Future, as the United Nations prepares to participate in the Summit for the Future in September 2024.


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