PERSPECTIVE: Civil Service Standing Order

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PERSPECTIVE: Civil Service Standing Order

Chapter 1 Section 2: The Role of the Civil Service Agency
1.2.1 It is the CSA’s responsibility to ensure that all vacancies in the classified Civil Service are filled by officers who are properly qualified. Whenever vacancies occur, Agency Heads must notify the CSA giving full details and indicating whether the position is to be temporary or permanent. When a position is to be filled either by a newly created (original) appointment, or by a promotion, anyone being considered for the position must first
have been certified as eligible by the CSA.
Chapter 3 Section 2.1 of the Civil Service Standing Order
Appointments – General
3.2.1 All appointments to the classified Civil Service of the Republic of Liberia shall be channeled through the Civil Service Agency, there shall be no exceptions. The Agency shall conduct all recruitment examinations and certification for employment in classified positions.
The Scope of the CSA Act
Section 3: To Whom the Act Applies
3.3.1 The Act shall apply to all officials and employees of the Liberian Government of whatever function or designation who are
compensated by a fixed salary with the exception of those listed under 3.3.2 of these Orders.3.3.2 Those exempted from the Provisions of the Act are as follows:
a) Members of the Legislature,
b) Other elected officials,
c) Justices of the Supreme Court,
d) Judges of Subordinate Courts,
e) all appointed members of Boards and Commissions,
f) Cabinet Ministers,
g) Deputy Cabinet Ministers,
h) Assistant Cabinet Ministers,
i) Heads of autonomous agencies and bureaus,
j) Ambassadors,
k) County Superintendents,
l) Territorial Superintendents,
m) County, Territorial and all other Commissioners,
n) Sheriffs,
o) All Commissioned and Non‐Commissioned Officers and
enlisted men of the Regular Armed Forces.
p) Law Enforcement and Security Officers,
q) All contract‐employees of the Government,
r) Other categories specifically exempted by the Director‐
Code of Conduct for Public Officials and Employees of the Government of Liberia
PART V Political Participation
5.4 It is unlawful for any public official, directly or indirectly, to promise any employment, position, work, compensation, or other benefit, provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of Legislature, to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party in any election.
Conduct for Public officials and Employees of the Government of Liberia which  states….
Part 3 Section 3.14 of the Code of Conduct
“All Public officials and Employees of the government shall hire or promote employees and officers on individual’s competence and worth, rather than on Political consideration.”
Hon. Josiah Joekai , CSA,  Director-General has a responsibility to ensure that Central Administration Staffers at the Legislature are qualified and competent people.
Civil Service Standing Order
Section 4: Appointments and Leaving the Service
3.4.1 All vacancies in the classified Service shall be filled by original or provisional appointment, promotion, re‐employment, transferor demotion.
3.4.2 Whenever a vacancy is to be filled by original, promotional or provisional appointment, the appointing authority shall make a written request on the approved certification request form (see Appendix 4) to the Director‐General. The written request shall include the title of the class, a statement of the duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled, the salary, tenure and any other information required by the Director‐General.
3.4.3 When filling vacancies for existing positions above the entry level, the Director‐General will, whenever possible, ensure that appointing agencies do so by promotion of appropriately qualified officers from within the agency concerned. When intending to fill a new position appointing agencies shall refer to the Director‐General who will provide details of personnel eligible for the appointment.
3.4.4 Once it has made its selection of the successful candidate the appointing authority shall immediately report each appointment
to the Director‐General on one of the prescribed Personnel Action Notice forms (PAN forms) (see Appendices 5a and 5b). No appointment shall become effective until approved by the Director‐General. The Agency shall maintain the official record of all appointments subject to the Act.
3.4.5 Whenever a vacancy is to be filled in a position which is temporary, the appointing authority shall state in its request to the Director‐General for certification, the duration of the position. The Director‐General shall provide appointing agencies with details of candidates who are eligible for, and willing to accept, limited‐term appointments. Time spent in limited‐term appointments shall not be taken into account when considering personnel for permanent appointments.
Nothing will or can stop you from performing his responsibility unrelentingly and
Central Administration requires a Merit based employment and not a political compensation employment.

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