Liberia: Three Former Weah’s Officials Finally Gets Bill Bond

Crime Watch

Liberia: Three Former Weah’s Officials Finally Gets Bill Bond

IPNEWS: After tireless days seeking an insurance bond for three former officials of former President George Weah government, Defense lawyers have filed a US$12 million bond, from the Sky International Insurance Company to seek their released.

The defendants, including the former Solicitor General, the former National Security Advisor, and the former Controller of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), are charged for embezzlement, theft of property, misuse of public funds, and criminal conspiracy.

The charges stem from allegations that the officials illegally transferred LS1,055,152,540.00 and US$500,000 from the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) to the operational accounts of the FIU, which were then withdrawn and allegedly misused.

An affidavit of surety was filed by Sky International Insurance Company, which is a duly organized insurance entity operating in Liberia.

According to the affidavit, the company is authorized to engage in bonding services and confirmed that it has US$12 million in its bank account to secure the bond for the defendants.

The affidavit was sworn and subscribed by the General Manager and Authorized Corporate Officer of Sky International Insurance Company before a Justice of the Peace in Montserrado County.

The release of these former officials on such a substantial bond has ignited discussions about the integrity of the judicial process and the broader implications for governance and accountability in Liberia.

 As the case moves forward, it is expected to draw significant attention from both domestic and international observers, given its potential impact on Liberia’s political and legal landscape.

The charges against the defendants, which include misuse of public funds, theft of property, and criminal conspiracy, are serious violations under Liberian law.

The legal proceedings will determine whether these high-profile individuals are guilty of the crimes they are accused of, with the potential for severe penalties if convicted.

The case Is scheduled to continue in court, where the defendants will face trial, and the public will be closely monitoring the developments in this high-stakes legal battle.

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