LIBERIA: Asset Declaration Hijack! Heads to Roll Over Refusal to Declare Assets

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LIBERIA: Asset Declaration Hijack! Heads to Roll Over Refusal to Declare Assets

IPNEWS: A major setback has occurred for the government of Joseph N. Boakai with the refusal of dozens public officials to declare their assets.

Sources tell the authoritative Independent Probe that President Joseph Boakai is angered over the refusal by dozens of his officials to declare their assets prior to the expiration of the deadline set by the Liberia Anti-corruption Commission (LACC).

“I can safely tell you that many heads will roll beginning this weekend. President Boakai is completely angered by the refusal of appointees to declare their assets and has vowed a definite action to relive these officials.” A source within the corridors of the Executive Mansion hinted IPNEWS.

The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) at a news conference Thursday, August 1, 2024, released its latest report on asset declaration compliance across the three branches of government, revealing notable disparities in adherence to transparency measures.

LACC, Cllr. Alexandra Kromah-Zoe, head of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission disclosed that many government officials were not able to live up to the deadline which elapsed today.

According to the LACC report, in the House of Representatives, out of a total of 73 lawmakers, only 26 have declared their assets, leaving 47 who have yet to comply with the requirement.

For the Liberian Senate, of the 30 senators, only 12 have declared their assets, while 18 senators have not fulfilled this obligation.

Furthermore, Within the Executive Branch, comprising 1281 public officials appointed by President Boakai, the numbers reflect a similar trend of non-compliance. Only 322 officials have declared their assets, indicating that 959 officials have not complied with the asset declaration mandate.

Additionally, 84 officials who were not appointed by the President, including roles such as comptrollers and procurement officers, have declared their assets.

Judiciary The Judiciary, which requires asset declaration from its officials, shows a stark disparity. Out of 333 officials mandated to declare assets, only 28 have done so.

This group includes judges and 21 administrative staff members, while a significant majority of 305 judiciary officials have not fulfilled this obligation.

The LACC’s report underscores a widespread failure among public officials to adhere to asset declaration regulations, raising concerns about transparency and accountability within Liberia’s governance structures.

The Commission has urged stringent enforcement of these requirements to combat corruption effectively and ensure public trust in governmental institutions.

The discrepancies revealed in asset declaration compliance across all branches of government highlight the urgent need for comprehensive reforms to strengthen accountability mechanisms and promote transparency in Liberia’s public sector.

It may be recalled, on February 22, President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., commissioned the first batch of members of his Cabinet Ministers recently confirmed by the Liberian Senate as part of his constitutional obligation enshrined in Article 54 of the 1986 Constitution. During the ceremony, President Boakai challenged the newly appointed officials to recognize the enormous task they have been called to perform in the interest of the country. He urged them to perform at the highest level, ensuring the deliverance of the Government’s priorities to achieve his development agenda set for the next six years without any excuses.

The President emphasized that his Administration will not tolerate corruption and pilferage, warning that anyone caught in the act will face the consequences, with no consideration of status.

“Let it be known that we will not tolerate corruption and pilferage from the people’s coffers, as those found to be in breach of our anti-graft laws will give account and pay the price,” President Boakai declared, adding that “a hint to the wise is enough.”

He also ordered all government officials to immediately declare their assets to comply with anti-graft regulations as required.

President Boakai declared that every cabinet minister and head of the agency would sign a performance contract to ensure projected deliverables are met, enhance government efficiency. He urged that they promote an open, transparent, and accountable government.

The Liberian Chief Executive also announced that the Citizens Feedback Mechanism Project, piloted in five counties, will be activated, and implemented across the country to keep a close eye on the Government’s performance. The Liberian leader reminded his ministers and heads of agencies that public service is not an entitlement but an opportunity for them to give back to the country and its people. He urged them to carry out their duties with utmost professionalism and compassion and find fulfillment in genuinely transforming the country.

“When we officially took office, we informed the country and the world that the ‘business as usual approach’ would be a relic of the past for this Administration, and we mean it,” he emphasized. He added, “this is why we expect nothing less from the ministers, heads of agencies, and advisors being commissioned today, and others to follow by executing the mandate of their respective offices and performing their duties efficiently and selflessly for the public good.”

Cabinet ministers and advisors commissioned at this occasion include Foreign Minister Sara Beyslow Nyanti, Finance Minister Boima Kamara, Public Works Minister Roland Layfette Giddings, Minister of State Sylvester Grigsby, Youth and Sports Minister J. Cole Bangalu, Agriculture Minister J. Alexander Nuetah, Minister of Health, Dr. Louise Kpoto, Minister of Commerce and Industry Amin Modad, Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Mrs Gbeme Horace Kollie, Advisor to the President on Foreign Affairs, Amb. George Wallace, Senior Advisor to the President, Dr. Augustine Konneh, National Security Advisor, Atty. Samuel Kofi Woods, Legal Advisor, Cllr. Bushuben M. Keita (Esq.), and Ms. Macdella Cooper, Political Advisor to the President.


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