“We welcome police investigation under a new Gov’t of Barthan Nyeswa And Other Deaths”, Samuel D. Tweah Response to Police Summons

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“We welcome police investigation under a new Gov’t of Barthan Nyeswa And Other Deaths”, Samuel D. Tweah Response to Police Summons

IPNEWS: With less than 24hrs following the summons by the Liberia National Police of four former government officials over the death of late Internal Audit Agency (IAA), Barthan Nyeswa, former Finance and Development Minister Smauel D. Tweah, Jr., has responded to Tuesday’s July 23rd summons by the Liberia National Police, welcoming the investigation and pledging to say what he knows.

In a social media post, former Finance and Development Minister Tweah, stated that he and other summoned by the LNP welcomed the opening of the police investigation under a new government to independently re-establish facts in the death of his dear friend and brother Barthan Nyeswa among other deaths that were politically weaponized!

“On last Friday, I received a call from my brother Cllr Norris Tweah who informed me that the police were interested in speaking with persons who were either friend with Barthan, who may have been observed with him on the evening prior to his tragic incident, seen at his house or who may have visited the JFK Memorial hospital where he had been taken. Norris stated he had already spoken with the police and encouraged me to do the same.”

“On the morning of the incident upon receiving a call from my brother Norris, reporting the incident, I had called Dr. Williameetta Jallah, the Government’s chief medical official and Mr Bill Twehway, another close friend of Barthan to report the incident and that we were all headed at the JFK where Barthan had been taken by Norris.”

“Upon speaking to the police, I will release publicly the information I avail. I welcome this moment of authentic truth- telling and fact-finding so that the demons of lies, duplicity and propaganda that have long harried our people over the last six years for political purposes can hopefully and finally be exorcised and laid to rest!  Thanks for your understanding!”  Samuel D. Tweah, Jr., Former Minister, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Liberia responded.

On Tuesday, July 23,2024, the Liberia National Police (LNP) invited former officials of the Weah led Administration for questioning in connection with the death of Emmanuel Barthan Nyeswa those invited are Samuel Tweh, Former Finance Minister, Bill T. Twehway, Senator of River Cess Count, Wilhelmina Jallah, Former Health Minister and Mr. Trokon Williams.

According to LNP’s Inspector General Gregory O.W Coleman said the LNP remains committed to conducting a thorough investigation into the death of Mr. Emmanuel Barthan Nyeswa and others during the regime of former president George Manneh Weah.

“We have invited several individuals who may have relevant information to assist in our ongoing inquiries.”

“We urge anyone with additional information to come forward to aid our investigation.” LNP Inspector General said.

Emmanuel Barthan Nyeswa was found dead at his residence on 72nd Boulevard on October 10, 2020. His death came shortly after the deaths of three other auditors within a span of eight days in Monrovia:

Albert Peters (Internal Audit) and Gifty Lama (Taxpayers Services Division) from the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), and George Fanbutu (External Audit).

The circumstances surrounding these deaths remain unclear and have raised significant concerns about the safety of those in the auditing profession in Liberia.

Nyeswa’s death, in particular, has been shrouded in mystery, with initial reports indicating that he had been at D’Calabash, an amusement spot along the Congo Town back road, with friends before returning home after midnight on the day of his death.

The police said it is further gathering more details about Nyeswa’s activities on the night of his death and any potential connections to the other auditor deaths.

The LNP has assured the public that they are determined to uncover the truth behind these tragic incidents and bring justice to the families affected.

Addressing a news conference on Tuesday at the LNP headquarter in Monrovia Police Inspector General Gregory O.W Coleman said upon taken over as head of the Liberia National Police they set up a case management system to review all mysterious death cases that occurred during the last administration especially cases of National concern.

Meanwhile report coming in says Lawyer representing the persons of interest have expressed outrage over their names placed on social media by the Liberia National Police.

According to the aggrieved named individuals, the action by the Liberian Police as endangered theirs lives and will be seeking further remedy shortly. Details come in our subsequent publication.

It may be recalled, in October 2020, Mr.  Emmanuel Barten Nyeswua, Director General, Internal Audit Agency died, bringing to four the number of audit-related deaths in eight days.

The circumstances relating to Mr. Nyeswua’s death are still murky although reports emerged that Mr. Nyenswua, who had earlier gone out with friends at the D’Calabash spot on the Congo town backroad was found dead in his yard around 2am early Saturday morning at his 72nd Boulevard home.

Former Information Minister Ledgerhood Rennie, in a statement said the government is in utter shock and sadness over Nyeswua’s passing.

Liberia’s Health Minister

Said the statement: “Details of the cause of the death of the IAA Boss are scanty. However, the Government of Liberia assures the public that once further details are established, it will be made known.  The Government of Liberia meanwhile sends its deepest sympathy to the family of the bereaved, while also urging the general public to refrain from speculations that could be the source of additional trauma for the family.”

Further information says Mr. Nyenswua, completed audit of the Covid-19 government expenditure although that report has not been made public.

Mr. Nyenswua’s death follows three high-profile mysterious deaths involving government auditors. By: Taisiah K. Merfee

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