Liberia: 15 County Council Chairs Function Ambush!

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Liberia: 15 County Council Chairs Function Ambush!

— As Council Chair, Key CSOs Actors Targeted by County Caucuses

IPNEWS: Tension is said to be blowing between 15 County Councils and members of various county Caucuses across the country, with reports of unprecedented attacks by members of the county Caucus on the persons of County Council chairs.

In a communication in the possession of the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, to Internal Affairs Minister , Francis Sakila Nyumalin, the Chairperson, National County Council, John Alexander Nyan, on behalf of 15 county councils called the attention of Minister Nyumalin to contending issues confronting county Council requiring his immediate attention for engagement with key government entities and donor organizations.

Mr. Nyan named some of the critical issues as the creation of an autonomy for the effective operations of county councils nationwide.

He called for the immediate establishment of Honorarium Rate for County Councils, stressing that the absence of a legislatively established honorarium rate for county councils were hindering the council’s functionality, and requested the Ministry of Internal Affairs promptly address the matter to ensure that county councils can operate effectively.

Nyan called for the unhindered implementation of the Budget Law Session Six, which called for county council chair’s designation as signatory B to county accounts, outlined in session six of the 2024 budget law.

He stated that this portion continued to be violated and remains unenforced, urging the government to take immediate steps to ensure compliance with this provision.

Nyan further called for the discouragement of Local Government Act Repeal by ensuring discussions within the 55th legislature regarding the potential repeal of chapter two (specifically, the power and authority of county councils) of the Local Government Act that is currently at the stage of being repeal.

The youthful Civil Society actor strongly urged the Ministry of Internal Affairs that discussions center around the local government being repeal must be to safeguard the autonomy and effectiveness of county councils.

Touching on the lack of Support for County Councils, Nyan stated that various County councils currently lack essential support, including office space and stationery, which further increases their vulnerability, stressing that the Minister of Internal Affairs take measures to provide the necessary resources to enable county councils to function effectively.

On repeated threats against Council chairs, especially the vulnerability of CSO Actors Serving as County Council Chairs, John Alexander Nyan said that 10 out of the 15 county council chairs are currently Civil Society Organization actors which does not only highlights the significant role of CSOs in local governance but also exposes these individuals to potential targets and continued harassment of removal by politicians, particularly County caucuses with specific reference to ongoing tension between the County Council chairs in Nimba, Bong, Grand Gedeh, Lofa, and Grand Bassa counties.

“We kindly request that strong position statements be issued to help curb such unwanted actions. Your urgent attention to these matters to ensure the continued independence and smooth functioning of county councils across the country.”, John Alexander Nyan, Chairperson, 15 County Councils of Liberia called on Internal Affairs Minister , Francis Sakila Nyumalin

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