Commentary: Liberia’s Independence Day- A Tribute to Dr. H. B. Fahnbulleh Jr., Dr. T.N. Tipoteh, Cllr.T.Gongloe, FAG. J.Morlue II, and the Giants of Progressives

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Commentary: Liberia’s Independence Day- A Tribute to Dr. H. B. Fahnbulleh Jr., Dr. T.N. Tipoteh, Cllr.T.Gongloe, FAG. J.Morlue II, and the Giants of Progressives

By: Austin S Fallah  – A True Son of Liberia

On the 26th of July, we celebrate Liberia’s Independence Day, a pivotal moment in the history of our nation.

It is a day to remember honor and to reflect on the tireless contributions of those who have stood courageously at the forefront of our nation’s quest for human dignity, freedom, and development.

This adda is dedicated to the heroes of Liberia, individuals of prodigious courage and unyielding principles, whose contributions to national principles, human dignity, financial prudence, and a corruption-free society have etched their names in the pages of history.

We salute, on this auspicious day, the likes of Dr. Henry Boima Fahnbulleh Jr., Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh, and Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe, former Auditor General John Morlue II, and many other progressives.

We celebrate these advocates of social, economic, and political development, justice, and human rights, for they have all stood the test of time.

Even those like FAG Morlue II, who has recently joined the advocacy for financial freedom, deserve recognition for their endeavors toward a corruption-free Liberia.


Dr. Henry Boima Fahnbulleh, Jr. A Man of Valiant Academia and Social Justice:

Dr. Henry Boima Fahnbulleh, Jr. is a towering figure in the landscape of Liberia’s academic and political history.

An intellectual giant and militant in academic spheres, Dr. Fahnbulleh Jr. has persistently fought for social justice and the empowerment of the Liberian people.

His contributions to educational reforms and his outspoken advocacy for the rights of the less privileged exemplify his unrelenting dedication to the nation’s advancement.

Dr. Fahnbulleh, Jr.’s leadership in various movements serves as an emblem of academic militance and collective aspiration for a more equitable society.

Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh: An Advocate of Econo-political Fortitude:

The story of Liberia’s struggle for economic and political sovereignty cannot be told without the mention of Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh.

He has been at the helm of activism that challenges economic disparities and political injustices.

His life’s work, advocating for fair trade, economic self-reliance, and the eradication of poverty underscores his unbreakable spirit in the face of adversity.

Dr. Tipoteh’s philosophy of economic-political fortitude has inspired a generation of Liberians to envision a future where economic stability is a tangible reality for all.

Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe: An Exemplar of Judicial Integrity:

A stalwart force for judicial integrity and the rule of law, Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe stands as a beacon of justice in Liberia.

His commitment to the safeguarding of human rights and the fight against corruption within the legal system has elevated the standards to which Liberian justice must aspire.

Cllr. Gongloe’s steadfast resolve in upholding the principles of fairness and equality before the law continues to inspire hope in a nation striving to build a legacy of judicial excellence.

Former Auditor General John Morlue II. Championing Financial Accountability:

In the financial realm, former Auditor General John Morlue II’s legacy is one of meticulous oversight and unwavering tenacity for accountability.

He has been instrumental in the pursuit of financial prudence and the establishment of a system where transparency is not just an ideal but a practiced norm.

His meticulous scrutiny of the nation’s financial affairs has placed a check on the pervasive culture of corruption, ensuring that public resources are managed with the utmost integrity.

FAG Morlue II: A Newcomer to the Financial Freedom Fight:

Joining the ranks of these illustrious figures is FAG Morlue II, a relative newcomer who has thrown his weight behind the struggle for a corruption-free Liberia.

His advocacy for financial freedom through the enactment of prudent financial practices distinguishes him as a bright hope for the future.

FAG Morlue II brings a modern perspective to the crusade against corruption, emphasizing the need for robust financial controls and accountability mechanisms.

The Legacy of Progress. A Continued Struggle for Development, Justice, and Human Rights:

The combined efforts of these distinguished individuals weave together a narrative of progress that continues to influence the fabric of Liberian society.

Their resilience in the face of daunting challenges and their willingness to confront systemic failures head-on are hallmarks of true heroism.

The path they have charted is one of relentless pursuit of development, justice, and human rights, and their legacies serve as a guiding light for future generations.

As we celebrate Liberia’s Independence Day, we stand in grateful acknowledgment of our heroes – Dr. Henry Boima Fahnbulleh Jr., Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh, and Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe, former Auditor General John Morlue II, and many more who are alive and died in the struggle for human dignity and the right to choose Liberia’s own leaders.

Their commitment to the lofty ideals of our nation, their tenacity in fighting for a better Liberia, and their indelible impact on the landscape of our national narrative are an inspiration.

We also recognize the fresh energy that FAG Morlue II and others bring to this cause.

Today, we not only honor their past work but are reminded that the struggle they represent is perpetual, urging us to continue our march toward lasting prosperity and integrity.

Happy July 26th, Liberia’s Independence Day, to our heroes past and present, for they have indeed stood the test of time and have paved the way for a future replete with the promise of national glory and the wellbeing of every Liberian.

Happy July 26th, 2024, to all Liberians.

Together, Liberia shall once again be the beacon of hope, social, and economic justice for all of humanity.

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