Senate & House Adjourn With 2nd Session With Milestone Achievements

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Senate & House Adjourn With 2nd Session With Milestone Achievements

—As Speaker Koffa, And Senate Pro-Tempre’ Karnga-Lawrence Renew Call for Audit at Legislature

IPNEWS: The Liberian Senate has adjourned the second session of business with milestone achievements including the passage of eight legislations, ratification of three treaties, amendments of one Act and enactment of four additional bills and the confirmation of 393 nominees of the Executive branch of the government of Liberia.

The break marks the second of 55th Liberian Senate adjournment in accordance with the Senate rules and the Constitution of Liberia.

During the second session of business the Liberian Senate held three-Day Working Retreat in Buchanan, where it set a robust oversight agenda, focusing on transparency, accountability, modernization, creating an enabling working environment, and ensuring the well-being of our employees.

The Senate also reviewed the Senate Rules by the endorsement of a provision to confirm all lifetime positions with 23 votes instead of a simple majority, including the splitting of the Lands, Mines, Energy, and Environment Committee, creating a new Energy and Environment Committee for more robust oversight. Additional provisions were amended and added, and the revised rules will be published upon completion.

Further, the Senate in it drive to enhanced Transparency and Accountability, following the Buchanan retreat, committed to greater cooperation with the General Auditing Commission (GAC) and accepted recommendations to implement systems leading to the annual audit of the Senate.

On Employee Headcount, the Senate in collaboration with the Civil Service Agency (CSA) conducted an employee headcount, and the report has been presented to the Senate. We will work with the CSA to verify findings and take necessary actions.

Additionally on the Modernization Efforts, the Senate commenced the construction of iits official website which is nearing completion, with digitization of our systems underway.

Other areas of achievements of the Senate is the continued engagement with International Partners, including the World Bank, African Development Bank, National Democratic Institute, French Embassy, and EU to support Liberia’s reform programs, including anticipation for capacity-building initiatives for effective financial management and modernization programs.

The Renovation of the Old Annex was another milestone. At the moment assessment has begun for the renovation, focusing on leakage and the old chambers. The modernization committee has been instructed to plan for the reintroduction of a digital voting system in the old chamber, including the improvement of Working Environment. Under this process, the Senate procured two new buses for staff commuting and restored the health insurance program by paying arrears. Staff will resume their insurance program next week.

Under a spirit of robust oversight, the Senate reported on the operations of three concessions: CTN, MedTech, and Western Cluster. Recommendations include renegotiating the CTN contract for more benefits to the government and reducing charges. At the moment, consultations with the President have led to reconsidering the intense usage of the Bomi highway for shipping iron ore by road and reviewing the Western Cluster agreement. The MedTech hearings revealed significant non-compliance and other issues, leading to recommendations to the executive.

Support for Decentralization:

The Senate is working on a bill to establish a port authority and grant autonomy to all ports in Liberia. This initiative will involve counties with seaports, benefiting local citizens through operations and employment and fostering port development.

Senate 2nd Session Report:

Total Legislation: 8

Ratifications: 3

Amendments: 1

Enactments: 4

Confirmed Nominees: 393

Bills in Committee Rooms: 13

Speaking at the closed of the session, Senate Pro-tempore’ Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence called for audit of the Legislature.

She urged her fellow lawmakers to prioritize transparency and accountability within the Legislature by pushing for a comprehensive audit.

Senator Lawrence’s impassioned plea underscores the critical need for legislative oversight to uphold integrity and public trust.

Speaking at the commencement of the Joint Legislative Public Accounts Committee’s Hearing, which convened to review more than 180 audit reports compiled by the General Auditing Commission (GAC), Senator Lawrence emphasized the pivotal role of audits in ensuring governmental accountability. She stressed that for the Legislature to effectively hold other branches of government accountable based on audit findings, it must first subject itself to similar scrutiny.

“The audit of the Legislature is not just a formality; it is a crucial step towards demonstrating our commitment to transparency,” Senator Lawrence declared, addressing her colleagues directly.

She revealed that the Liberian Senate has already initiated steps to engage the GAC in assessing its financial management systems, signaling a proactive approach towards enhancing transparency within the Senate.

Senator Lawrence outlined a proposed timeline for the Senate’s audit, setting a target of completion within two years. She underscored the importance of this initiative, cautioning that without such transparency, exerting meaningful oversight over other governmental institutions would be challenging.

“The credibility of our oversight responsibilities hinges upon our willingness to subject ourselves to the same standards of scrutiny that we impose on others,” Senator Lawrence emphasized. Her call for transparency resonates amidst broader efforts to strengthen democratic institutions and promote good governance in Liberia.

As discussions unfold within the Liberian Senate regarding the audit process, Senator Lawrence’s leadership in advocating for accountability sets a significant precedent. Her stance highlights the imperative for lawmakers to lead by example, fostering a culture of transparency that is foundational to effective governance.

In closing, Senator Lawrence reiterated her commitment to ensuring that the audit of the Legislature moves forward expeditiously. She urged her colleagues to unite in this effort, emphasizing that only through transparency and accountability can the Legislature fulfill its constitutional mandate and uphold the trust of the Liberian people.

At the House of Representative, the Honorable House of Representatives adjourned the 2nd quarter amidst the passage of key legislations.

Speaking on Thursday, July 18, 2024, during the closure, House Speaker, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, termed the period of the 2nd quarter as successful.

Cllr. Koffa urged members to keep the country and its people united during the period of the legislative break. He said during the 2nd quarter, the body held thirty-five sittings, four bills were passed, while 11 bills or petitions are in committee room with 21 appearances.

The Speaker among other things added that there are 71 other communications in committee room, whilst he and Deputy Speaker, Thomas P. Fallah, presided eight times each.Speaker-Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa said whilst on the constituency break, the following lawmakers will steer the affairs of the House in consultation with the leadership.

They Include: Representatives Prescilla Cooper of Montserrado County, Thomas Goshua of Grand Bassa County, Jacob Debee of Grand Gedeh County, Nathaniel N. Bahway of Grand Kru County, Nyan Flomo of Nimba County, Foday Fahnbulleh of Bong County, and Julie Fatorma Wiah of Lofa County. Others are Representatives Ivar K. Jones of Margibi County, P. Mike Jury of Maryland County, Alex Poure of River Gee County, Steve Tequah of River Cess County, Prof. Thomas Romeo Quioh of Sinoe County, Obediah Varney of Bomi County, Luther Collins of Gbarpolu County, and Bintu Massalay of Grand Cape Mount County respectively.

The Speaker said the Public Accounts Committee will continue its audit hearings of the Auditor General’s report.

Meanwhile, the Honorable House of Representatives is expected to return for its 3rd quarter on the third Friday of October this year.

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