Associate Justice Nominee Cianeh Clinton-Johnson Crumbles at Senate Confirmation

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Associate Justice Nominee Cianeh Clinton-Johnson Crumbles at Senate Confirmation

IPNEWS: Most important to the confirmation hearing for seating on the Bench of the Supreme Court must be focus on the nominee’s clearest understanding of both the constitutional and statutory languages of the laws and their respective application, in order to have the public confidence that such nominee when confirmed to the Bench of the Constitutional court, as is the case with this nominee under consideration, he or she would put forth sound opinions consistent with firmed constitutional and  statutory interpretations.

In the case of this Associate Justice nominee, as per her very poor and evasive responses to important constitutional and statutory questions of the laws asked, her responses suggested her lack of the requisite knowledge and skills of the constitutional and statutory laws adequate to mend the high court’s Bench as Associate Justice and her such nomination must be rejected and revoked for her manifested lack of the firmed knowledge, skills and the understandable application of both the constitutional and statutory laws, evident by the fact that the nominee during her confirmation hearing proved her inability to understand as to what form a rectified treaty takes under our laws and chain of authorities, to the extent that even when reminded and aided by questioning senators, precisely (Senators Albert Chie and Nathaniel McGill) that a treaty when rectified, takes the form of a statutory law, the nominee out of her gross legal ineptitude insisted that the legislature is considered to have acted outside of its authority where it rectifies a treaties or treaties that may conflict with the Supreme Court’s authority, irrespective of the standing constitutional principle that “no legislative enactment shall conflict with the constitution and that any act of the legislature that becomes repugnant thereto, is ultra vires and must be stricken”, with this authoritative constitutional safeguard, the nominee demonstrated the elementary lack of knowledge that no law enacted by the any source of the law within this jurisdiction, can ever take president to the constitution and as an outcome of this her lack of knowledge and applicable constitutional skills, she proceeded and indicted the legislature when she said by poor reasoning of the Constitutional and statutory laws that, “the legislature by rectification of treaties that may come in conflict with the constitution, act outside of its authority and thus must immediately notify the supreme court that they have acted outside of their authority by rectifying treaties that conflict with the constitution, thereby subjecting the authority of the supreme court to a foreign court(the ECOWAS COURT) as then was the case study”.

This constitutional reasoning of the nominee again exposed her lack of understanding of the constitutional doctrine on the “Separation of Powers”, as amongst the branches of government and that this doctrine does not allow such thing as the legislature reporting to the Judiciary on rectification of treaties, as same is an authorized constitutionally assigned duty of the legislature and for which the said body cannot be question by another branch nor be subjected to inquiry by any of the other two branches of government, as in the very poor conditional reasoning of nominee Cianeh Clinton-Johnson, who now strives to be seated as Associate Justice of the Honorable Supreme court, in the face of these gross limitations of her manifested lack of knowledge of the constitutional and statutory laws, as well as their most reasonable application and as a consequence of these her proven legal ineptitude, her nomination for the said Post of Associate Justice much be rejected as she lacks the requisite competence to discharge the constitutional duties assigned the office of Associate Justice of the Honorable Supreme court.

The citizens insisted that they are off the mind that their senator will listen to their herein pointed to legal inefficiencies of the nominee and ensure she is rejected and avoid giving credence to President Joseph Nyumah Boakai intent of tribalizing every sector of government irrespective of his candidate’s incompetence as is now clearly manifested. Let the Senate be aware that we elected them to ensure such national safeguard as against tribalism, nepotism, sectionalism and the likes, as under these anti progressive elements, gross incompetence concealed itself, you are placed to such it out.

As we now clearly refresh you on the constitutional errors of the nominee, if you yet proceed void of objectivism and confirm her, be aware that the nation and the world at large are watching the quality of decision you make and that posterity will certainly judge you all in time to come so be vibrantly great and good public Servants by averting this error of having such lawyer of manifested lack of the requisite constitutional and statutory knowledge and competence, be prevented from mending the Bench of the Honorable Supreme Court and safe the future embarrassment of erroneous opinions coming out of the high court. We await the quality of decision you make today.

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