Texas – Eric Wowoh Briefs Pres. Boakai on Educational, Infrastructural Developments CAN Is Undertaking in Liberia


Texas – Eric Wowoh Briefs Pres. Boakai on Educational, Infrastructural Developments CAN Is Undertaking in Liberia

-Wants to Partner with the GOL on Education and Agriculture in Its ARREST Agenda


Eric Willise Wowoh, who is a humanitarian, a social entrepreneur, an educator, and a builder, found the opportunity to acquaint President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, about the incredible works that his Change Agent Network-USA (CAN)/Opportunity Network Liberia (ONLIB) is doing in Liberia.

Eric is the founder and Executive Director of Change Agent Network (CAN), which is a registered 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization based in Dallas, Texas USA.

CAN’s goal is to transform the entire nation of Liberia through Education, Mentorship, and Sustainable Development fueled by the power of prayer. CAN is operating in Liberia as ONLIB, Inc., which is a registered and an accredited non-governmental and non-political organization. CAN is the parent organization to ONLIB.

President Joseph Nyuma Boakai looking through some of CAN’s works

Eric’s work has been instrumental in building over 28 schools, and one university in Lofa County, promoting educational programs, and fostering economic development. Those schools have so far graduated over 2000 students and at the moment have over 4,000 enrolments. Eric has in his employ over 350 Liberians staff in a country where the average person lives on less than two dollars a day. Liberia is at the moment among the first 10 poorest nations in the world. Contrariwise, this small nation of 5.2 million human beings, is one of the heavily endowed nations, very rich with natural resources, including gold, diamond, forests, rivers, fertile land, gorgeous beaches, etc.

When Eric was granted the privilege to sit with the Liberian President, he seized the opportunity to inform the President about his mission to build education villages in all of Liberia’s 15 political divisions. At the moment ONLIB has built 28 schools in six of Liberia’s 15 counties. Four of the schools are in Grand Gedeh County alone (Zwedru, Toe Town, Gbarzon District and Neezonnee Clan also in Gbarnzon District). He also informed the President about working with the students and other residents to grow their own food in their communities.

Both Eric Wowoh and Jerolinmek Piah also found time to catch up on old times during the President’s visit to Texas

ONLIB is so far the largest Liberian-owned educational development infrastructure organization in the country also operating the Change Agent Network University (CAN-U) which is located in Fissibu Town, Zorzor District, Lofa County, Northern Liberia. ONLIB’s Education Villages are located in Montserrado, Margibi, Bong, Nimba, Lofa, Grand Gedeh Counties. Grand Cape Mount County is underway.

Eric met with President Boakai when the President was in Dallas, Texas for seven days to attend the US-Africa Business Summit 2024 in May.

Eric Willise Wowoh greets President Joseph Nyuma Boakai when the President visited Texas in May 2024

“It’s just God! I am humbled and honored by the amazing opportunity that was given to me to be a part of the hosting team of the President of the Republic of Liberia, Joseph N. Boakai and his team in the great city of Dallas, Texas. I also was given the awesome opportunity to have a one-on-one meeting with the President to discuss the tremendous work of Change Agent Network (CAN) in Liberia. We talked about the future of Liberia, infrastructure development and investment opportunities to move the country forward (Public and Private Sector Partnership),” Eric said. He praised the President for making time out of his tight schedule to meet with him. According to Eric, this was not his first-time meeting with him. He had first met with him when he served as Vice President during the regime of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

“During our first meeting, I did brief him about the works that CAN was and is doing. But this is the first time I met with him in the capacity as President of Liberia. I am grateful that he gave me his ears and attention.”

The Change Agent Network USA Executive Director Eric Willise Wowoh was one of those Liberians who welcomed President Joseph Nyuma Boakai when he visited Dallas, Texas in May 2024

Eric began this humanitarian program in Liberia more than 20 years ago. He never got the opportunity to meet with any of the past presidents, beginning with Charles Taylor, Sirleaf and George Weah.

He stressed that his meeting with President Boakai has nothing to do with politics but it’s geared towards making Liberia and leaving it a better place than his generation met it. “It’s not about self; what I am doing will outlive me. It has outlived regimes. So, it is far above individual, politics or regime. It is about Liberia and the generations to come,” Eric added.

Eric started his educational program in Nigeria when he was a refugee there in 2002. Mr. Jerolinmek Matthew Piah, who is today the Minister of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism, first attempted to learn how to use computer through Eric’s 842 Computer Training Center in the Oru-Ijebu Refugee Camp located in Ogun State, Nigeria. The two men also found time to catch up on old times during the President’s visit to Texas.

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