Liberia Council of Churches Expose Pres. Boakai, & Legislature Leakages

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Liberia Council of Churches Expose Pres. Boakai, & Legislature Leakages

—– Outlines Corruption, Willful Non-adherence to Rule of Law, Others

IPNEWS: The Liberia Council of Churches (LCC), has once again release a damning report of the Joseph Boakai’s government exposing five critical leakages of the Administration.

In a statement from the LCC, signed by its President, Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr., the Council stated that despite the Unity Party government is relatively  six months, yet there were critical conditions which continued to affect the country since the inception of the Boakai led Administration.

The LCC in its situation report and assessment of the Boakai’s regime raised concerns over the poor handing of the Bea Mountain protest.

The LCC calls President Boakai attention that its investigation and findings revealed that those five citizens protesting for their rights against bad labor practices by the Management of the Bea Mountain Company in Grand Cape Mount County were gun down by officers of the Liberia National Police in cold blood and as such the Police cannot investigate itself because of its role in the Protest, yet its findings have not be adhere to.

The reminded President Joseph N. Boakai, despite all the efforts by the LCC, their plead for justice of the victims, especially the setting up of an independent investigation into these killings has not yielded any results rendering the Liberia National Police to go ahead to conduct its own investigation which exonerated itself.

The LCC believes the police which was a key player in the protest cannot be the one investigating the very incident, a situation.

“The Council described the police report outcome as conflicted and undermines the true essence of transparency and fairness. The Council believes that the Independent body would have been   objective to ensure transparency and accountability in its findings and provide recommendations aimed at seeking lasting solutions to the concerns of workers at the Concession Company.  The Council also believes that the Independent Committee, when constituted, would have gone deeper to unearth the contending needs of the people in the Concession areas to avoid future disturbances at other Concessionaires across the Country.”

“The Liberia Council of Churches avails that the very police have been accused of discharging live bullets on the Protesters and cannot be the player and referee at the same time with such a critical situation involving the lives of citizens.  The Council believes also the Independent Committee as part of its terms of reference would have investigated the operations of Bea Mountain following reports of reneging on some provisions of the concession agreement signed over a decade ago. What is more frustration up to date, investigations conducted by the Legislature and other government entities are yet to be made public.”

“This action brews tension among concessions workers and it is important for those responsible for specific tasks in Government to make public findings from their investigations.  What is even more demeaning and an affront to the people of Grand Cape Mount is the decision of Government to provide 5 thousand United States dollars to families of the dead protesters. This is inhumane and must be condemned. This doesn’t represent the right to live, this undermines the true essence to live and it also serves as mockery to the deceased.” The LCC insisted.

On the issue of TENURE POSITIONS, the Liberia Council of Churches  stated that the formation of tenure positions which became the order of the day during the latter part of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Administration, sought to strengthen the independence of these institutions in carrying out their job without political interference and to uphold good governance and meets best international standards, stressing that Tenure positions worldwide is a key governance issue especially in the public policy school of thought and it provides a clear understanding of fairness and objectivity.

However, since the inception of the Boakai led Administration those occupying tenure positions have been constantly harassed and intimidated without any semblance of respect to the rule of law governing these positions.

LCC: “The Constitution of Liberia gives the President the authority to appoint officials of Government where necessary but it should be done in conformity with the law. Anything out of that breeds conflict and undermines the rule of law. In the very tenured Acts, there are clauses that state the removal of tenured officials for cause, instead of arbitrary removing people from their position without due process.  The Supreme Court Ruling on these tenured positions would have brought to closure the debate on tenured but it escalated the debate when the president later discovered cause to remove these individuals from these positions.”

“This, we believe, should have been the first step taken by President Boakai in line with the law.  The decision from the Supreme Court was left undone and it undermines coordination amongst the three branches of government. For the Council of Churches, the action on the part of President Boakai contravenes the rule of law governing these tenured positions.”

On the most controversial issue of the WAR & ECONOMIC CRIMES COURT, the Liberia Council of Churches congratulated President Joseph Nyuma Boakai for taking the bold step to establish a once dark horse that has been permeating Liberia’s social and human life.

“The Liberia Council of Churches welcomes this bold step on the part of President Boakai and would provide the needed support to ensuring that the court is formally established.  This issue has been lingering in our body politics where government after government have played politics with the people, but today we are witnessing the birth of a new day in our human life as Liberians. The Council of Churches believes the creation of these courts would provide both the victims and perpetrators the opportunity to prove their case and exonerate themselves.”

“We called on the International Community to join efforts with the Government of Liberia to ensuring the formation of these powerful instruments that will serve as a deterrent to those who believe that violence is the only pathway to solving their grievances. “ The LCC highlighted.

On the issue of the Liberia Legislature wasteful spending and lavished lifestyle, the LCC termed the posture by members of that august body as ‘LEGISLATIVE WASTE’.

The Liberia Council of Churches, maintained that lawmakers must be key part of the governance process and to carry out three cardinal responsibilities, making law, Providing Oversight and to fully Represent their Constituents, but these functions, the LCC says run contrary to its meaning and purpose.

LCC continues: “Laws are made to greatly affect the life of people, laws are not made to suppress the very people they should represent. Over the years, the National Budget that should be used to benefit the people of Liberia has been used by a few to enrich themselves at the detriment of our already impoverish people. This must stop if our country must be seen as a serious and responsible nation.”

“There have been mounting outcries about Budget manipulations at the Legislature. Some of our senators are today on sanction because of the very budget manipulation where lawmakers give unto themselves a huge chunk of the national cake.”

“Currently, a lawmaker makes more than Ten thousand United States dollars in both benefits and salaries and when taxes are deducted, they take home more than seven thousand United States dollars. Is this not enough for them. Why should our lawmakers give unto themselves fees for constituent break, retreats and the purchasing of three vehicles within 9 years? This is waste and abuse and this has to stop.  Forty-five thousand dollars is allotted in the budget for each lawmaker to procure a vehicle of their own and within three years they are to procure another vehicle. This is broad day corruption and it is time our lawmakers see themselves in the mirror of society and offer repentance to the people of Liberia. Public office is not for anyone to enrich themselves, public office is public service, stop abusing our resources that are intended for all Liberians.  Liberia is too rich in natural resources for a few to benefit.”

On the issues of ABRITRARY KILLING OF CITIZENS BY SECURITY PERSONEL, the Liberia Council of Churches call on the President to launch an investigation into the two recorded incidents and bring to book the perpetrators.

The LCC recounted that the Liberia National Police and the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency have been involved in discharging firearms against unarmed citizens, highlighting an incident fortnight ago, in the Jamaica Road community, in one of its operations in fighting drugs opened fire and reportedly injured a child.  That shooting incident according to the LCC has led to the life time injury of that Child. Another incident mentioned by the LCC occurred on Monday, July 1, 2024 in the Rehab Community where a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed by an officer of the Liberia National Police, emphasizing that security forces should avoid these uncivilized and barbaric acts by taking away the lives of citizens.

The LCC on the issue of Corruption, stated that while Corruption is an old age issue affecting our progress as a nation warned that if nothing is done collectively to confront this virus, Liberia’s progress as a nation would become illusive.

The Liberia Council of Churches attention is drawn to reports of corruption involving twenty-two Million United States Dollars intended to rehabilitee roads across the Country.

“This is a concern and such a figure to maintain Latrice road (Duster road) is a huge amount and we request the President through the General Auditing Commission to commission an audit of said expenditure. Our attention is also drawn to report of corruption at the National Oil Company where fees intended for boards sitting has become the order of the day.”

“We called on the President to immediately investigate what is unfolding at NOCAL to ensure transparency takes precedence.  Finally, The Liberia Council of Churches wants to bring to the attention of Government the current debate surrounding the importation of 285 earth moving equipment into the Country. This is a good idea that should be lauded by all well-meaning Liberians. However, we cannot brush aside our laws in the name of development. The Council of Churches in its wisdom believes that all laws governing the purchasing and procurement of these machines should be followed to avoid suspicions of corruption involving such a great endeavor. We called on the Legislature to use to use its oversight authority to scrutinize all pieces of documents that will come before it surrounding these machines.”

“The Council of Churches remains committed to working with Government to ensure that our peace and stability is protected for the good of our nation. It is our prayer that these issues  be seen as an honest account of the Liberia Council of Churches.  We call on Government to consider this statement as our contributions to the growth and development of our nation.” A statement from the LCC signed by Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves, Jr., concludes

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