PERSPECTIVE: Coordination or Battle For Supremacy, The Case Of The Judiciary And The Executive, Is Executive Order #126 Experiencing Undue Headache?

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PERSPECTIVE: Coordination or Battle For Supremacy, The Case Of The Judiciary And The Executive, Is Executive Order #126 Experiencing Undue Headache?

The battle for  the fight against corruption appears to be long ending especially with attacks and counter attacks as well as claims and counter claims from diverse backgrounds of the society.

Well as  the race for legality over  expediency continue to show center stage at the detriment of the general good of the people, the particles of corruption still remain a huge challenge preventing the needful to be implemented across the Country.

As the legal battle continues, credible sources have it that  former Chief of Protocol at the Executive Mansion, a major party in the case, Amb. Nora Finda Bondoo has expressed high optimism of winning President Joseph N. Boakai at the Supreme Court for issuing Executive Order #126 that created the Assets Recovery Team, which, according to her, has allegedly affected her business, Gracious Ride.

Following professional, independent and indept investigation, The Task Force accused Madam Bundoo of purchasing over dozens of vehicles through alleged fraudulent means while serving in the previous government, leaving them in the care of different management, a claim she has since refuted.

It can be recalled on Thursday, July 4, 2024 the Supreme Court in what many described as a controversial decision, reserved its ruling in the case after denying the Ministry of Justice representation on the grounds  that the ministry allegedly sided with the Task Force.

From an informed background and experience, The Task force head rejected claims made against it and at the same time justified to the body that issue of   parallel agencies raised against the Task Force has existed between government agencies to include, the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission and the Ministry of Justice.

Among other things, Both government entities investigate theft, money laundering, corruption, and economic sabotage as well as prosecution, while the General Auditing Commission and the Internal Audit Agency are also doing similar work, the Task Force further stated.

Additionally, the Task Force disclosed that there  are more parallel agencies throughout the government with the aim of enhancing transparency and accountability as such, the work of the task force is of no exception.

Providing some history including a reflection during the past immediate administration, a comparable task force known as the Assets Investigation, Restitution, and Recovery Team was formed in 2019 by Boakai’s predecessor, George Weah, but no assets were found.

Well, While acting as Chief Of Protocol at the Executive Mansion to former  President George Weah, Madam Bundoo’s  gracious ride owner who is now opposing the task force operations on the grounds of unconstitutionality, something she did not do neither made mention of when she was at the helm of authority.

According to  senior Legal minds, the Assets Recovery and Property Retrieval Taskforce is  a significant national endeavour to combat wrongdoing and/or public sector corruption, which has long hampered the nation’s progress and development.

It can be recalled since 2018, Liberia has continued to retrogress on the Corruption Perception Index score, coming from 32 in 2018 to 25 points over 100 on the 2023 CPI, according to Transparency International.

Experts say that due to several challenges and battles against the huge  fight against Corruption , Liberia also ranks 145 out of 180 countries and territories around the globe especially by their perceived levels of public sector corruption.

The report which puts Liberia in what is known as a worse case scenerio,  continues to get worse over the period in the fight against corruption, however see neighboring  Cote d’Ivoire and other nations aggressively winning the war on corruption.

Cote d’Ivoire, a post-war nation similar to Liberia, for instance, according to the report  is placed 87 out of 180 countries with a quick +3 growth from 2022 and scored 40 over 100 while Liberia as a  Country is still lacking behind  as more needs to be done in the holistic  fight against corruption.

Experts at the same time want institution like the Task force responsible to the fight against corruption especially persons and business of interests be given the support, space and opportunity to exercise its work and functions void of intimidation and other external interferences.

As a means of fighting corruption including  holding public officials accountable for their action, Executive Order 126 by President Joseph Nyuma Boakai established the asset recovery task force in March 2024.

Its primary duty among other things is to look into and prosecute individuals or groups that have defrauded the state and its citizens of their resources.

As the already claimed controversial decision by the Supreme Court has been taken to reserve its ruling in the case, the faith of the Task Force genuine, professional and independent work to hold Public officials Accountable as well as prosecuting them for defrauding the state and its people, hangs in the balance.

Meanwhile, critics  say the race appears to be a serious covert  fight between the Executive and Judiciary over coordination of government functions in the interest of the state versus supremacy and assignment of duty.

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