Arcelor Mittal Yekepa Hospital Fully Functional”Liberian Medical Doctor Asserts

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Arcelor Mittal Yekepa Hospital Fully Functional”Liberian Medical Doctor Asserts

IPNEWS: Dr. Motemah Freeman, a dedicated medical professional assigned to the ArcelorMittal Yekepa Hospital, has recently shed light on the healthcare services provided by the ArcelorMittal Liberia Yekepa Hipsital.

Speaking to journalists over the weekend, Dr. Freeman dispelled misconceptions about the hospital’s accessibility and lauded its medical care for both employees and the general public.

“People give a lot of wrong impressions about things they do not know anything about,” Dr. Freeman remarked.”

“If you say the company is not allowing outsiders to have treatment, I think that is unfair.” He emphasized that the majority of patients treated at the hospital are not ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML) employees.”

“I work here and most of the patients we see are actually outsiders. I mean, a majority of our patients are outsiders—people who do not work for AML,” he noted, adding that the hospital handles up to 1,700 patients per month.

Dr. Freeman, who is part of a medical rural service initiative, highlighted the hospital’s well-structured facilities and high standard of care. “The ArcelorMittal Liberia Yekepa Hospital is well-structured, and I believe they’re doing a great job in rendering medical services to the people,” he said.

The hospital employs a team of specialists and general practitioners, unlike many other facilities which often have only one doctor. “Here at the AML Yekepa Hospital, we have one specialist and two general practitioners,” he pointed out.

Dr. Freeman also compared the hospital’s operations favorably to other government facilities. “There are other government facilities where you have to buy medication or pay before being admitted, but that’s not the case here. Here, we don’t ask anyone for money before admitting them,” he explained. The hospital is well-stocked with necessary medications and has laboratories capable of performing numerous basic tests, the director noted.

Additionally, the hospital provides patients with three nutritious meals a day.

“What patients eat here compared to other areas is far better,” Dr. Freeman said, noting that the meals are well-balanced and include fruits, vegetables, and eggs,  “There is a lot of money going into that,” he added.

Dr. Freeman emphasized the hospital’s significance to the surrounding communities, including those from distant areas. “The facility is highly significant to the health needs of people in and beyond the Yekepa area. We have had patients coming from as far as Guinea, and I have seen patients from Ganta and far-off villages here,” he said. He praised the hospital’s effectiveness in treating various illnesses and supporting the health of the local population.

The reporters took a tour of the hospital cosmology and many of of the patients confirmed Dr Freman’s assertions. The admitted three times meal, why others they were outsiders who had no connection to ArcelorMittal Liberia but had gone to seek medical treatment.

ArcelorMittal Liberia’s contributions to healthcare extend beyond Yekepa, as the company also operates a larger hospital facility in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.

These efforts showcase the company’s  commitment to enhancing healthcare infrastructure and services in Liberia, benefiting both its employees and the broader community.

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