Liberia: Controversial Eugene Fahngon Again! Tension Blows At LBS

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Liberia: Controversial Eugene Fahngon Again! Tension Blows At LBS

IPNEWS: Several sources at the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS), say there’s an imminent strike been planned by aggrieved workers at the entity.

According to the report information serval employees of the LBS Workers Union are contemplating the strike find a solution to an alleged constant threat against them including recent arbitrary dismissal of the system’s woodwork staff identified as Clinton.

Ahead of the general meeting scheduled for this Friday, July 5, according to sources, the Leadership has already met on several planned action against LBS Director General Eugene Fahgon.

IPNEWS understand that two unnamed senior officials of the LBS are opposed to Fahngon’s decision to dismissed Clinton including other administrative lapses.

The workers are alleging that Mr. Eugene Fahngon changed the vehicle, picking and dropping staff policy which has prompted displeasure among employees at the LBS.

The new measure among other things states that ‘No vehicle is allowed to leave LBS Compound after 9 P.M.’, which has affected grossly the operations of the newsroom staff that package the late evening news, including the live TV and radio shows after 9P.M.

Furthermore, the workers are also requesting the Management to recruit the Director of New Media from within as it did with the directors of Public Affairs and Television.

Fahngon and Port Security Charles Roberts

The management has placed an announcement on the radio advertising the Director of New Media. President Boakai recently appointed the then Director as Assistant Minister for Tourism at MICAT.

Since April 2024, the LBS substations in the leeward counties have been off due to what the management described as a technical problem.

The money for fuel and lubricants for the seven (7) stations has not been released by the Ministry of Finance because the LBS Management has not submitted the name of the vendor that will supply the fuel.

However, sources closed to Director- General Eugene Fahngon told IPNEWS that the new measure put in place by their Boss is intended to safeguard misused of the system logistics, including vehicle.

Another source told IPNEWS that upon takeover of the Fahngon leadership at LBS, the System vehicles including Bus which convey employees to and from work were all down and parked.

“I do not understand this country and why our people make politics out of everything. When Fahngon came, all the vehicles they met on ground were all grounded and parked. At the moment we have majority of those vehicles up and running, including the Bus. There has to be some system in place to regulate the use and assignment of those logistics and this is what DG Fahngon is doing.” The source intoned.

It is not clear whether the Workers will consider approaching the Board of Directors on the issues arising from Mr Eugene Fahngon’s alleged authoritarian attitude.

It is rumored that Mr Eugene Fahngon relates managerial issues to only three of his six deputies. IPNEWS is making Franty efforts to Mr. Eugene Fahngon is ongoing.

This week, in a heated confrontation at the Free Port of Monrovia, Eugene Fahngon, the Director General of the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) and a highly controversial figure in the Boakai administration, reportedly slapped Charles Roberts, the Chief of Security at the National Port Authority (NPA). The incident occurred on Monday, July 1, 2024, when Roberts confronted Fahngon for using a drone without proper authorization.

According to reports, Fahngon arrived at the Free Port claiming he had been invited by the Managing Director of the Port, Sekou Dukuly. Without prior notice or permission, Fahngon began flying a drone within the port premises. Roberts, fulfilling his duty, approached Fahngon and informed him of the port’s regulations, stating, “Fahngon, you can’t fly a drone here without permission from the management. Even if you have permission, the security should be informed.”

This confrontation allegedly incited Fahngon’s anger. He retorted with, “Do you know who I am? Who are you to stop me?” Despite Roberts’ attempts to explain the rules, Fahngon reportedly slapped Roberts in the ear. The situation escalated until other security personnel intervened, calming Roberts and advising him to file an official complaint with the Managing Director or the police.

The incident quickly went viral on social media, sparking widespread debate. Fahngon, known for his combative nature, has not issued a public statement regarding the alleged incident. Meanwhile, sources indicate that internal mediation efforts are underway to resolve the conflict.

This incident highlights ongoing tensions within the administration and raises questions about adherence to protocol and respect for authority within government institutions.

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