Liberia: “Childish!”- Daniel Sando Describes Former President Weah’s Comment at Pres. Boakai

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Liberia: “Childish!”- Daniel Sando Describes Former President Weah’s Comment at Pres. Boakai

IPNEWS: In a recent development, Daniel O. Sando, Deputy Minister of Press and Public Affairs at the Ministry of Information, has sharply criticized statements made by former President George Weah as “childish.”

The remarks from Sando come in response to Weah’s comments regarding President Joseph Boakai’s alleged memory issues.

Former President George Weah was quoted as saying that President Boakai “has a problem, and the problem is to remember.” These remarks were perceived by many as a jab at Boakai’s cognitive abilities.

Daniel Sando, reacting to these comments, stated, “It is unfortunate that a former head of state would resort to such childish remarks. Personal attacks have no place in our political discourse, especially from someone who has held the highest office in the country.”

The Deputy Minister further emphasized the importance of respectful and dignified dialogue among leaders, urging for discussions that focus on substantive issues rather than personal critiques.

Weah’s statement has sparked mixed reactions among the public and political commentators, with some condemning it as disrespectful towards President Boakai, while others see it as typical political banter.

President Joseph Boakai’s administration has not officially responded to the remarks made by George Weah at the time of this report. However, sources close to the presidency indicate that the matter is being internally discussed.

This incident highlights the ongoing tensions and political rivalry between figures within Liberian politics, particularly in the lead-up to the next elections.

Daniel Sando concluded his statement by urging all political stakeholders to maintain decorum and focus on addressing the nation’s challenges constructively.

The Ministry of Information has not issued any further comments on the matter, indicating that they are monitoring the situation closely.Courtesy of Ablee-Jay TV)

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