Liberia: Bishop Samuel Quire, Others In Hot Water Over Suspicion of Accepting Gay Marriage


Liberia: Bishop Samuel Quire, Others In Hot Water Over Suspicion of Accepting Gay Marriage

— But Bishop Quire Provides Clarity

IPNEWS: There seems to be deepening divide within the United Methodist Church whether or not to accept same sex marriage with Bishop Samuel Quire and other attending last month conference of the United Methodist Church being accused to already accepting the proposal for same sex marriage.

The Methodist Church Reverend Dr. Samuel Wilson now picks bones with Bishop Samuel Quire over the silence of the Bishop amidst raising quest for answer from members of the church.

The Board Chair of the Ordained United Methodist Church Liberia Annual Conference, Reverend Dr. Samuel Wilson has accused Bishop Samuel Quire of wrongly dismissing key board members who are demanding to know the church position on the same sex marriage.

Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is the marriage of two people of the same legal sex.

At a news conference on Wednesday in Monrovia, Dr. Wilson said for over 50 years, the church has been struggling with the discussion to make homosexual pastors, districts superintendents, Bishops and to allow same sex marriages in the United Methodist Church.

He maintained that Bishop Quire has continued to misinform the Church in Liberia on the decisions of the General Conference and Decisions of their annual conference.

Meanwhile, the United Methodist Church Bishop Samuel Quire at a news conference on 7 June said, the Church is not a Gay Church and encouraged members to continue seeking God in the right direction.

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