Liberia: House of Repesentative Gets Furious Over Benefits Delays

Diaspora News

Liberia: House of Repesentative Gets Furious Over Benefits Delays

— Threatens To Abandon Session If….  

IPNEWS; Members of the House of Representative has threatened to abandon session if the Ministry of Finance fails to settle their benefits and other allowances.

The lawmakers made the threat Tuesday during the appearance of the Liberia Revenue Authority and the Ministry of Finance to explain why some sectors of the government had not been receiving the needed financial support to function.

During the appearance of the two institutions, House speaker Fonati Koffa said it is disrespectful for the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning to pay no attention to the benefits of members of that august body for the past three months.

According to him, the situation has caused members of the HOR to go as far as crediting from Money exchangers to do the Liberian people’s work.

Speaker Koffa further noted that the situation has also made members of the House of Representatives stranded in going to work for the past three weeks.

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