Liberia: SUP Declares Pres. Boakai Unwanted If…

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Liberia: SUP Declares Pres. Boakai Unwanted If…

—-New Leadership Imminent at UL

IPNEWS: The campus-based University of Liberia Student Unification Party gives President Boakai 48 hours ultimatum to resume classes at the University, declares him unwanted

SUP’s chairperson Kwien Kwien addressing a news conference on Monday, calls for the completion of the semester by every means possible.

According to him, the party acknowledges the decision taken by ULFA’s General Assembly to abstain from lectures at the result of no salary payments over the last three months is as a result of the government recklessness not to adhere to its plight of which should be looked into genuinely with keen care and attention.

SUP also called on the leadership of ULFA to reconsider its decision to disengage from classes and see the urgent need to end the academic semester which at the same time all of its issues and concerns can be addressed before the start of a new academic year.

It can be recalled on June 14, 2024, the University of Liberia Faculty Association issued a press statement announcing that its members have collectively consented to disengage from all academic activities at the University of Liberia.

ULFA’s members constitute the different lecturers, assistant professors and professors whose task is to educate Liberian students with superior education and prepare them to thrive in a competing world as well as to rigidly ground them for national leadership for quality service delivery.

On Monday, June 17,2024, some faculty members of the University of Liberia and Staff Association (ULFASA) ceased all teaching activities, citing unpaid salaries for part-time lecturers and deplorable working conditions. The decision came during a unanimous vote at a General Assembly held over the weekend at the university’s Capitol Hill Main Campus in Monrovia.

The faculty and staff vowed not to return to the classroom until their grievances are addressed and the current university management, led by President Dr. Julius Sarwolo Nelson, steps down. ULFASA President Dr. Edna Johnny stated that repeated discussions with the administration have failed to yield any solutions.

“We have reached a point where we can go no further,” Dr. Johnny said. “It is incumbent upon us as your leaders to alert you, and we will uphold the decisions you make.”

The decision came during a unanimous vote at a General Assembly held over the weekend at the university’s Capitol Hill Main Campus in Monrovia.

Among the numerous issues, Dr. Johnny highlighted the prolonged non-payment of part-time lecturers, inadequate transportation for staff, and poor infrastructure, including the lack of ceiling tiles and proper sanitary facilities at the Fendell Campus. She also noted the unsafe working conditions, exacerbated by students’ protests which often turn violent.

“The administration has generated millions of dollars, yet students lack basic amenities like chairs, and faculty members are without essential teaching materials,” Dr. Johnny added. “We deserve better treatment.”

Secretary General Eric T. S. Patten echoed these sentiments, criticizing the belated distribution of contracts to part-time lecturers. “I’m tired of the entire management team. Let Sarwolo Nelson and his team go,” he declared.

As the search for a new university president continues, Patten emphasized the need for a candidate from within the institution, who understands the unique challenges faced by the faculty and staff. “Liberia politically voted on a rescue mandate; the University cannot be left out,” he noted, advocating for a leadership that aligns with the national agenda for improvement. Top of Form

The ongoing strike action by the University faculty and support staff comes amidst calls by President Joseph Nyuma Boakai for the convening of the University Board of Trustees.

In a formal directive to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Liberia to immediately convene a meeting of the varsity’s Board, the Liberian leader who is also a visitor to the university, mandated the immediate convening of a Board meeting to formalize the establishment of a Search Committee tasked with identifying and selecting the new leadership of the University, in strict adherence to the University’s charter.

President Boakai underscored the critical importance of expeditiously forming the committee to ensure seamless continuity and stability at the University.

This pivotal directive issued nearly three weeks ago emphatically underscores the urgency and gravity of this matter.

The Visitor to the University expressed his expectation of an unwavering commitment from the administration and the Board of Trustees and anticipates their swift and resolute action to address this vital issue, ensuring an efficient and transparent transition of leadership within the University of Liberia.

Meanwhile, the Administration of the University of Liberia (UL) hereby advises all full-time and part-time employees to continue performing all academic and administrative duties to ensure a successful conclusion to the current academic semester — in keeping with the revised academic calendar.

Toward achieving this goal, the UL Administration informs all stakeholders, staff, students, and the general public of the continuation of its normal working and academic activities, including teaching and learning on all campuses of the University.

The UL Administration is convinced that any move to the contrary is intended to sabotage and undermine the planned launch of the University of Liberia Doctoral Studies/Programs, scheduled for this Wednesday, June 19, as well as would have the consequential effect of interfering with the University final exams’ schedule and its pending 104th Commencement Convocation, also scheduled to run from August 5 — 17, 2024.

President Boakai is expected to attend and formally launch the first terminal degree program at the University, a statement released by the university said. It indicated that several high-profile guests and dignitaries have also been invited to grace the auspicious and historic terminal degree launch, including development partners, the Commission on Higher Education, and the Association of Liberian Universities, among others.

Accordingly, the UL Administration encourages all legally employed faculties to continue their regular activities on the University campuses and reminds them that all unauthorized absences without an excuse for ten working days are tantamount to resignation.

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