Liberia: Martine Kollie Resigns from the Rescue Train

Diaspora News

Liberia: Martine Kollie Resigns from the Rescue Train

— Cites alleged failure of President Boakai to live up to Promises

IPNEWS: One of the lead campaigners for the Presidency of Joseph N. Boakai, has resigned his post from the Assets Recovery Team, and the Unity Party ‘rescue train’.

Martine Kollie said his resignation was triggered by the missteps and inability of the Boakai administration and failure to live up to the promises made to the Liberian people.

He stressed that there were several human rights violations under former president George Weah government for which the Unity Party campaigned against but has allegedly decided to ignore all of these violations thus making things worse for citizens in the country.

The former chairman on research and policy reform of the rescue mission further indicated that Millions of lives are depending on the UP government calling on President Boakai to protect the interest of citizens and leave a good legacy.

Meanwhile, Martine Kollie argued that all his advice to this government went on dead ear saying that he has no choice but to step down and serve as a whistle blower as well as provide constructive criticism, stating that it is frustrating for the government to do the same thing they campaign against.

On recent, Martine Kollie has made a dramatic u-turned on the Boakai’s administration with several criticisms.

He recently condemned the poor handing of state affairs by many of the public officials, particularly the lack of President Joseph Boakai to publicly declare his assets, the huge spending of the Liberian Senate of 50 thousand for a two-day retreat in Grand Bassa, frequent foreign travels by President Boakai with large delegation with limited outcomes, among others.

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