Liberia: Mulbah Morlu Gives CDC Bloody nose; Formally Resigns From CDC

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Liberia: Mulbah Morlu Gives CDC Bloody nose; Formally Resigns From CDC

IPNEWS: Former CDC Chairman Mulbah K. Morlu, has officially resigned membership to the Congress For Democratic Change (CDC). 

In his officially letter of resignation from CDC, Morlu stated that he was resigning to Prioritize Neutrality in Civil Society Initiatives

The former CDC strong General informed the National Executive Committee Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) that a cross-section of the Liberian populace has chosen me as Chairman and Lead Advocate of the Solidarity and Trust for a New Day (STAND).

Scene from STAND launch

STAND is a diverse, non-political civil society and advocacy organization dedicated to the eradication of impunity in Liberia without allegiance to any political ideology or party.

“Our overarching mission is to carve a new path for Liberia, free from the burdens of injustice, corruption, poverty and hunger in the land endowed with abundant natural resources.”

“This opportunity requires that I devote my entire being to these noble causes which, I believe, hold the promise for a brighter future; notwithstanding, it also demands that I uphold the highest ethical standards to ensure that our actions remain impartial, moral, and nonpartisan.”

“Towards this end, I hereby tender my resignation from the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) effective immediately. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to the National Executive Committee, and particularly to the esteemed members of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), for their unwavering support over the years while I diligently served in various capacities, including National Chairman.” Mulbah Morlu statement continue.

Scene from STAND launch

Morlu furthermore extended an open invitation to numerous supporters, well-wishers, and admirers, as well as the larger society, to join him in his civil society initiatives as we work together to carve out a brighter future for our common patrimony.

In late Fabuary 2024, Mulbah K. Morlu, amidst report of a potential eviction of the former ruling Party, the Congress For Democratic Change (CDC), of its current premises along the Tubman Boulevard, Oldest Congo Town, resigned as Chairman of the CDC.

According to a message posted on his official social media pages, former CDC Chairman Morlu stated that regardless of his unweaving commitments to the CDC amidst numerous challenges faced, particularly during the past six years of the CDC’s governance, there were some partisans in the highest seat who are committed to undermining his leadership.

Morlu stated that regardless of all the challenges, he’s forced to resigned due to the diminishing opportunity for him to effectively fulfill his role as the People’s Chairman-stressing as an advocate dedicated to supporting the people, which remains disheartening to encounter constraints that limit his ability to carry out the responsibilities of the chairmanship.

“Today I resigned my position as Chairman of the CDC, the following letter to the Standard-bearer outlines the details, let’s keep the CDC & Liberia, peaceful. -My resignation Letter-” Mulbah Morlu said.

The resignation comes on the heels of a purported closure of the CDC headquarters on tomorrow according to highly placed sources for the packed of payment of rent over the last six years.


This could not be independently verified as the Party’s Secretary General,  Former Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee, phone rang endlessly without response.

Amidst the rumors of the potential closure of the CDC headquarters on tomorrow for indebtedness, CDC political leader, Former President George Manneh Weah arrived after nearly two months of absence on family vacation today.

Upon arrival, Mr. Weah said he is glad to be back home after a successful family vacation.

Speaking briefly to the Press, he told reporters that he is back home and is ready to speak about the ills in the Liberian society.

His statement may further intensify the political flame on the already heated debate relative to the controversial tenure saga as initial pressure could be mounting on the one month and few days old government of President Joseph Nyuma Boakai.

According to him , he is back and to do his Party work mainly to put his political institution to where it suppose to be .

Speaking about his vacation, he stated that he had a happy family time with his son, Timothy Weah , a Professional footballer who plays for Juventus in Torin, Italy.

” We had a good time, we played Ludu and other games and Timothy was happy to see us at his home for the first time since six years when we were then working for the Liberian people”, he further explained.

The former Liberian leader who did not specifically mention some of the ills he will speak about in the coming days, weeks and months was unable to use the newly constructed and dedicated Clar M. Weah VIP Lounge At The Roberts International Airport which he officially turned over to the new government at the eve of his departure from government as no official reasons was given by the current government up till press time.

Excerpts from the purported court order by the court

Also speaking about his awards, he stressed that he acknowledged those awards which he continues to won over time for his good and hard works for his people.

” I did not go there but I heard about the awards and I appreciate them and over the years, I have been a hard working man in Africa and the globe at large as the most recent awards were not strange to me”, he added.

As the political corridors of the Country looks already charged especially with the Tenure Officials saga, University of Liberia indefinite closure amongst others and with Weah’s welcoming statement of returning home to speak about the ills in the society, it appears like in the coming days, weeks and months , it will be heated politically with statements, reactions, counter-reactions as well as responses to characterized the corridors of the Country.

Arrival of former president George Manneh Weah

At the same time and with the disclosure by the CDC standard bearer that he is back to work for his party, the main opposition, Coalition for Democratic Change, the Headquarters of the CDC will once again be busy and a home of political activities.

Meanwhile, the CDC’S flag bearer returned home with his wife, Former First Lady, Clar M. Weah, Son Champ Weah, former Maritime Boss, Lenn Eugene Nagbe and Former Chief of Protocol at the Executive Mansion, Amb. Nora Finda Bundoo as well as former Special Presidential Aide , Sekou Kalasco Damaro.By: Julius Konton


Your Excellency, George M. Weah


Congress for Democratic Change (CDC)

February 27, 2024

Dear Mr. Weah,

I am writing to formally tender my resignation as Chairman of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC). Consequently, I am also stepping down from the position of Chairman of the Coalition for Democratic Change.

Despite resigning from the chairmanship after six years of service, I want to assure you and the National Executive Committee that I remain a committed lifelong member of the Congress for Democratic Change.

Undoubtedly, I have faced numerous challenges, particularly during the past six years of the CDC’s governance. However, I hold no resentment towards anyone for these difficulties, and I do not desire conflict.

Throughout these trials, I am thankful to God for granting me the strength and patience to persevere. Despite the hardships, they are not the primary reason for my resignation.

However, one factor influencing my decision is the diminishing opportunity for me to effectively fulfill my role as the People’s Chairman. As an advocate dedicated to supporting the people, it is disheartening to encounter constraints that limit my ability to carry out my responsibilities.

Mr. Standard-bearer, however, after careful consideration, I have chosen to remain positive and continue contributing to the peace and stability of the CDC despite resigning from the chairmanship.

As emphasized earlier, I hold deep love for the CDC and immense gratitude towards the hundreds of thousands of loyal partisans, young militants, and foot soldiers who have supported me during my tenure.

Therefore, in my effort to uphold internal party cohesion, I am exercising caution in my words to prevent any potential crisis. Although some may seek to exploit this situation for personal gain, my commitment to the party’s well-being will prevent me from endorsing such endeavors.

As the longest-serving Chairman of the Congress for Democratic Change, I am humbled by the overwhelming support I have received from our dedicated partisans across various demographics and locations. This support has contributed to a long period of stability, peace, and adherence to the rule of law within the CDC.

Despite encountering challenges during our governance, we have achieved significant milestones, including upholding the rights of our partisans, maintaining a peaceful and democratic political institution, and ensuring the CDC’s strength and competitiveness.

Mr. Standard-bearer, regardless of recent election outcomes, we have made remarkable progress together. As your first militant since 2005, I have been one of your most steadfast political soldiers.

While my loyalty to the CDC has been unwavering, I have occasionally found myself in disagreements with you, driven solely by my principles and love for the party. I am proud that despite crucial hurdles, we have painstakingly kept the torch of the CDC burning, such that even those who didn’t believe in its efficiency now look up to it as the most potent political mechanism of redemption.

Having served in various capacities over nearly two decades, I have diligently fulfilled my responsibilities, always with good intentions and without malice, even in my mistakes.

Resigning from my position has undoubtedly been one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever faced, yet it was necessary to uphold the stability of the CDC and prevent any internal discord that could disappoint our loyal supporters, particularly the youth who have placed their trust in our party.

Similarly, the prospect of opposing you deeply troubles me, which is why I opted not to assume the chairmanship when Mr. George G. Solo was removed in 2013. Moreover, I harbor doubts that I would have accepted the chairmanship in 2018 had I been offered a suitable governmental role, foreseeing inevitable disagreements or necessary contention with you in the future.

Now that I am no longer Chairman, I have newfound freedom to advocate for social justice and champion the interests of marginalized communities, irrespective of political affiliations.

In the coming months, I intend to engage in consultations with relevant stakeholders both within and beyond the CDC, aiming to rally passionate individuals to safeguard democracy, promote good governance, and uphold the rule of law.

While I trust that the CDC will continue its efforts to address injustices and hold the Unity Party-led government accountable, I am committed to contributing from a civil society perspective, advocating for peace, good governance, human rights, the rule of law, and socio-economic equality for all Liberians.

I appreciate the members of the independent press who, despite not always aligning with my preferences in their publications or broadcasts, mostly exhibited fairness and balance in covering our press conferences and interactions.

In conclusion, I would like to offer one final piece of advice, Mr. Standard-bearer, which I have previously communicated to you in a briefing note. It is crucial to assemble a proficient team of foreign policy experts to engage with key Western capitals such as Washington, Brussels, Number 10 Downing Street, and others. These engagements should involve discussions regarding international decisions made during our tenure, aiming to rebuild confidence and provide assurances to our international partners.

As we endeavor to revitalize the CDC’s domestic and global political standing, I stress the importance of prioritizing the enhancement of relations with Washington and its invaluable allies. Neglecting to capitalize on our historical ties with the U.S. would be a missed opportunity, especially considering Liberia’s strategic significance within the United States’ sphere of influence. Therefore, strengthening ties with the U.S. and its European counterparts is a good step forward, even for a major opposition party.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this letter, and I extend my best wishes to you and the party’s leadership.

Sincerely yours,

Mulbah K. Morlu, Jr.

Former Chairman

(Congress for Democratic Change)

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