UNDP to hand over Seven (7) Ambulances to the Ministry of Health

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UNDP to hand over Seven (7) Ambulances to the Ministry of Health

IPNEWS: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will this Friday, June 14, 2024, formally turn over seven (7) ambulances worth over three hundred fifty-four thousand United States Dollars to the Ministry of Health (MoH) for use by beneficiary communities in (7) counties) including Bomi, Lofa, Margibi, Maryland, Nimba, Rivercess, and Rivergee under the Accelerated Community Development Programme (ACDP), a flagship programme launched by the Government of Liberia in October 2022.

With an initial contribution of three million United States Dollars from the Government of Liberia, UNDP has procured seven (7) ambulances, which will enhance the health service delivery capacity of the Ministry of Health in providing effective and efficient health services to the rural poor populations in beneficiary communities.

This donation follows previous donations of farming equipment including tractors, trailers, rice and cassava mills, and other basic farming tools valued at over six hundred thousand United States dollars to 14 agriculture cooperatives and over two thousand individual farmers across six counties including Bomi, Bong, Gbarpolu, Lofa Nimba and Rivercess.

These rural poor communities include Bomi (Sasstown), Lofa (Mbabahum, Barziwen, Kpayaquelleh & Massamolabun), Margibi (Charlesville), Maryland (Karloken & Baraken), Nimba (Saclepea, Dougborton, Sopea & Gbi Doru), Rivercess (Zammie Town) and Rivergee (Karweaken)

They were amongst 35 selected communities during a feasibility study conducted in 2020 to benefit from the ACDP.

Although the ambulances will not be directly managed by these communities, the Ministry of Health (MoH), through its County Health Team will ensure that inhabitants, especially pregnant women, and children as well as the elderly benefit from services provided through the use of the ambulances.

The turning-over event will take place at the Ministry of Health compound in Congo Town, Monrovia, beginning at 10 am. Top government officials, representatives from the beneficiary communities, and other stakeholders are expected to grace the occasion.

ACDP is an initiative of the Government of Liberia modeled after similar programs in Senegal and Togo (PUDC), The Gambia (PACD), and the DR Congo which seeks to address the real needs of rural poor communities. Launched in October 2022 by the Government of Liberia during the celebration of UN Day in Liberia, the program is the government’s determination to and commitment to improve the country’s overall human development.

The five-year programme, which is put at one hundred million United States dollars for the first three years 20222-2025, is implemented by UNDP and is aimed at addressing the real and pressing needs of the most vulnerable rural populations of Liberia. It is expected to have an immediate impact on reducing poverty while accelerating socio-economic development in rural communities.

The programme also aims to help strengthen human capital and resilience to shocks and pandemics, as well as facilitate the implementation of Liberia’s national agenda such as the ARREST for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030.

As part of the programme activities, the construction of five solar-powered multipurpose boreholes valued at over one hundred eighty thousand United States dollars is currently ongoing in five communities across three counties including Bong (Donfah), Rivercess (Yarkpah Town) and Gbarpolu (Mardina, Bopolu & Totoquelleh) with drilling completed and construction of water towers nearing their completion.

The solar-powered boreholes, according to Mr. Boye Johnson, Acting Program Manager of the ACDP, will address challenges of access to safe drinking water by communities and for irrigation. It will also reduce security issues for women and children vulnerable to gender-based violence while traveling long distances in search of safe drinking water.

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