ArcelorMittal Extends Awareness to Host Communities in Road Safety Caravan

Business News

ArcelorMittal Extends Awareness to Host Communities in Road Safety Caravan

ArcelorMittal Liberia Ramps-up Recruitment for Phase 2 Expansion Project

IPNEWS: Hundreds of community members in ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML)’s directly affected rail communities in Grand Bassa, Bong, and Nimba Counties are said to be receiving relevant safety information regarding rail use.

The information sessions in towns and villages will guard against unforeseen circumstances along the railway from Yekepa to Buchanan City.

AML launched this year’s edition of the annual community road safety caravan in the Flour Mill Community of Buchanan recently, with traditional cultural dancers performing before safety agents disseminated basic guidelines to community members.

This initiative, conducted in collaboration with the Liberia National Police (LNP), highlights ArcelorMittal’s commitment to ensuring the safety of residents living near the railway each year.

The company said the caravan aims to raise awareness and educate the public on the precautions necessary to stay safe around the rail track, which stretches over 250 kilometers from Buchanan City to the key mining town of Yekepa, in the north.

The caravan’s launch will see a series of engagements where ArcelorMittal’s communications, safety, and community relations team, alongside LNP officers, will visit major towns and villages along the railway.

These visits are designed to provide vital safety information to residents, emphasizing the importance of adhering to safety protocols when near the rail tracks. This initiative by AML puts into motion a proactive approach to community engagement and safety education, which aims to mitigate risks and prevent accidents.

According to officials on the caravan, “For the rail communities, the safety caravan is an invaluable program,” given that many residents, especially children, are often unaware of the dangers the railway poses.

While on the caravan, ArcelorMittal and the LNP will conduct interactive sessions, distribute educational materials, and demonstrate safe practices to ensure that the message of rail safety is effectively communicated.

They believe this kind of educational outreach is crucial in fostering a culture of safety and awareness among community members, ultimately aiming to reduce rail-related incidents.

Launch of this year’s edition of the annual community road safety caravan in the Flour Mill Community of Buchanan

The significance of this program extends beyond immediate safety concerns; by investing in community safety education, ArcelorMittal says it is helping to build stronger relationships with the communities along the railway.

In its safety awareness programs, AML has emphasized in the past that cooperation with the local communities is vital for its operations, as a safe and informed community is more likely to support and collaborate with the company.

Furthermore, the initiative reflects ArcelorMittal’s broader corporate social responsibility goal of demonstrating its dedication to the welfare of people who live in the communities where it works.

The Buchanan-Yekepa railway is critical infrastructure for the country’s mining industry and economic development.

Ensuring the safety of those living near this infrastructure is essential for the uninterrupted operation of rail services, which are vital for transporting minerals and other goods. The annual road safety caravan contributes to national economic stability and growth by protecting both the community and the infrastructure.

In a related development, ArcelorMittal Liberia is recruiting many technical and low-skilled individuals for its ambitious phase 2 expansion project.

The expansion, valued at over $1.7 billion, encompasses the construction of a substantial ore processing plant in Yekepa, along with upgrades to railway and port facilities.

The company’s expansion is expected to meaningfully boost local employment and economic growth.

Over the past months, the company has issued calls for applications from qualified candidates for various key positions. Among the roles needed are Rolling Stock Maintenance Manager, Mine Planning Engineer, and Supervisor-Construction EC & I.

Additionally, ArcelorMittal Liberia is seeking a Biodiversity Superintendent, reflecting its commitment to environmental sustainability.

The company is also investing in training dozens of young technicians who will eventually work at the ore processing plant once it is completed.

To ensure that the direct mine communities benefit from this expansion, ArcelorMittal Liberia has also initiated a scholarship program targeting school-going children in the host communities of Grand Bassa, Bong, and Nimba Counties.

The ArcelorMittal Liberia Community Development scholarship aims to fully fund the educational needs of these children, further illustrating the company’s dedication to community development and support.

ArcelorMittal Liberia Ramps-up Recruitment for Phase 2 Expansion Project

The phase 2 expansion promises to bring considerable social and economic benefits.

By strengthening the cargo handling capacity of the port of Buchanan in Grand Bassa County, the project is expected to help the government generate additional revenue from port users.

This enhancement aligns with the broader goals of the expansion, which include increasing the volume of ore mined and shipped from Liberia.

As part of the expansion plan, the county social development fund allocated to Grand Bassa, Bong, and Nimba Counties is set to increase. Currently, ArcelorMittal pays $1.5 million to Nimba, $1 million to Grand Bassa, and $500,000 to Bong County each year.

With increased mining and shipping activities, the funds provided to these counties will rise, enabling more substantial interventions in the lives of local residents affected by the company’s operations.

The taxes and royalties paid by ArcelorMittal to the government are also projected to double, reaching approximately $80 million annually from the current $40 to $45 million.

This significant increase in funding is expected to be a boon for the country, providing vital resources that can be used to address pressing issues in education, health, and infrastructure.

This development holds promise for the administration of President Joseph Boakai, offering much-needed financial support to tackle the country’s challenges.

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