Liberia: Senate Set To Launch Criminal Investigation Into US$22.4m Road Contracts

Crime Watch

Liberia: Senate Set To Launch Criminal Investigation Into US$22.4m Road Contracts

— Cites Justice, Public Works and PPCC

IPNEWS: Contrary to what is being perceived of a pardon by the Plenary of the Liberian Senate of Public Works Minister , Roland Giddings and others on the execution of a 22.4 million road work without following the proper procurement process, the authoritative Independent Probe has gathered that following Tuesday’s plenary session members of the Senator have now agreed to cite both Ministers of Justice and Public Works, including the Public Procurement and Concession Commission over the granting of US$22.4m Road Contracts without Legislative approval.  .

Prior to this, the Plenary of the Senate had earlier decided to accept a report from its joint committees on public works and rural development, Public Accounts and Judiciary, Human Rights, to pardon and accept as the granting of the US$22.4m Road Contracts based on an “Inadvertent Misstep”, by the Public Works Minister.

The recommendation read in session on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 states that the apology of the Minister of Public works and Rural Development on behalf of him and the Ministers of Justice, finance and the Executive Director of PPCC that Plenary considers their actions as “inadvertent miss-Step” but with good intentions in national interest with a warning letter to each of them that a repeat of their actions would carry direct consequences.

former Senate Pro-Temp, Senator Albert T. Chie

Lead campaigner for this ongoing investigation, Margibi County Senator Nathaniel F. McGill, appearing on the popular online Spoon Talk stated that the decision by the Plenary to summons both Justice and Public Works Ministers, including PPCC Boss will individually be established who unilaterally granted the US$22.4m Road Contracts without Legislative imports or approval.

It can be recalled in a letter to Senate plenary dated March 18, 2024, Senators; Nathaniel F. McGill, Simeon B. Taylor, Gbehzongar M. Findley and Abe Darious Dillion complained the Ministry of Public Works and Rural Development awarded (10) contracts worth 22.4 Million United States Dollars without a proper procurement process and without obtaining a relevant legislative approval.

Meanwhile, the committee has also mandated the Minister of Public Works to make quarterly reports on the progress of road maintenance and works, present a road annual work plan considering all fifteen counties before the submission of the draft fiscal budget to the Senate.

At the same time, the Plenary of the Liberian Senate has mandated its Secretary of Senate to cite the Minister of Public works to give status report   on road projects and give answers to all inquiries raised by plenary issues including and not limited to what the Senate calls double contracts to contractors.

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