Liberia: President Boakai Sets Up Committee on Rice

Diaspora News

Liberia: President Boakai Sets Up Committee on Rice

IPNEWS: His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., President of the Republic of Liberia, has constituted a Committee on Rice to ensure the stability of the Country’s staple.

The committee is expected to undertake the following:

  • Formulate policy to ensure constant and steady supply of rice in the Country.
  • Formulate strategy for accelerated local production of rice and import substitution.
  • Ensure Liberian participation in the importation and distribution of rice throughout the Country
  • Formulate policy for the effective reactivation and management of the Rice Stabilization Fund
  • Ensure database of rice, price comparison of major rice producing countries and the grades of rice

Committee Members are:

  1. Amb. Charles Minor—Chairman
  2. Mr. David Vinton – Member
  3. Mrs. Tenaky Toure Kaba – Member
  4. Ministry of Agriculture – Member
  5. Ministry of Commerce & Industry – Member
  6. Ministry of Finance & Development Planning – Member
  7. Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs – Member
  8. Fouta Corporation – Member
  9. National Port Authority – Member
  10. Liberia Business Association – Member
  11. Liberia Marketing Association – Member
  12. National Transport Union of Liberia – Member
  13. Liberia Bankers Association – Member
  14. National Civil Society Council of Liberia – Member
  15. Rural Women Organization of Liberia – Member

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