Liberia: ‘No Plans To Remove 40,000 Civil Servants from Payroll’, CSA Director Josiah Joekia clarifies rumors

Diaspora News

Liberia: ‘No Plans To Remove 40,000 Civil Servants from Payroll’, CSA Director Josiah Joekia clarifies rumors

IPNEWS: The Director of the Civil Service Agency Josiah Joekia has Clearfield rumors that the Unity Party government has a plan to remove 40,000 civil servants from the payroll.

Appearing before members of the House of Representatives Tuesday, CSA Director Josiah Joekia claimed that no civil servants have been removed or will be removed from the government payroll, contrary to the public speculation.

According to him, the recent circular issued by the CSA was intended to address the issue of illegitimate civil servants who were falsely placed on the government payroll between 2019 and 2023.

He said these individuals were not legitimate civil servants and were not entitled to receive salaries from the government.

Joekia told lawmakers that the move is not targeting anyone but intended to identify legitimate civil servants rightfully employed by the government and prevent further dismissal.

The CSA boss further noted that the government is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability within the civil service system stressing that the entity is working diligently to ensure that only legitimate civil servants are on the government payroll and that taxpayers’ money is not being wasted on individuals who do not rightfully deserve it.

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