Liberia: Commerce Minister Risk House Gavel Over Refusal To Adhere To Summons

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Liberia: Commerce Minister Risk House Gavel Over Refusal To Adhere To Summons

— Intense Negotiation Between Executive & House Leadership Ongoing

IPNEWS: The authoritative Independent Probe has reliably gathered that members of the House are set to hold Commerce Minister Amin Modad with contempt and send him to common jail for his refusal to adhere to a summons by the House of Representative over recent hike in the price of Liberia’s political staple food -rice.

Sources within the corrida of the Legislature informed IPNEWS that even though Minister Modad has written the House that his inability to adhere to the summons was due to a previous travel plan, but members of the House believes that Minister Modad action was disrespectful and warrant sanctioning.

Credible sources tell IPNEWS that the travel alluded to by Minister Modad was ordered cancelled by President Joseph N. Boakai, on grounds that the prevailing controversies over the stabilization of the commodity needed to be handled, including his active participation in the just ended first cabinet retreat held at the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ministerial Complex in Oldest Congo Town.

The Plenary of the House of Representatives decided to summon Minister Modad following his absence during the session on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. The decision came after Representatives Frank Saah Foko and Matthew Joe raised concerns about the rising cost of rice, a staple food for many Liberians.

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On May 20, 2024, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry announced an agreement with rice importers to raise the price of a bag of rice from $16.50 to $18.50, causing public outcry. The plenary sought an explanation from Minister Modad during the session, but he failed to appear in person. Instead, he sent a written excuse, citing other duties and proposing a ministry representative to address the plenary on his behalf.

This move has sparked controversy and tension, with Montserrado County Lawmaker Michael Thomas proposing a motion to give Minister Modad another chance to appear before the plenary on Thursday, May 30, 2024, under threat of facing contempt charges. The House of Representatives’ determination to hold Minister Modad accountable reflects a critical confrontation between the legislative and executive branches amidst public concern over rising commodity prices.

As the country grapples with economic challenges, Minister Modad’s actions have not gone unnoticed, stirring anger among lawmakers and citizens alike.

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