Liberia: Multinational Investors Arrive Monday; Targets Multiple Sectors

Business News

Liberia: Multinational Investors Arrive Monday; Targets Multiple Sectors

IPNEWS: Recently President Joseph N. Boakai, and delegation attended the 16th edition of the U.S.-Africa Business summit that brought together over 1,500 Business executives and C.E.O. of major companies, which set the stage for Liberia to once more tell the world that Liberia is now safe for business investment.

President Joseph Boakai message to international investors on his first US foray since taking office in January remain resounding

“Liberia is open for business, but only on its own terms. I want to be clear that it’s not going to be business as usual,” the 79-year-old president told a gathering of investors.

Now, it is not evidently clear that President Boakai’s message is taken roots not only in the U.S. but in another major investment capital-U.K.

The authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, understand that a pool of international investors under the Uni Commerce Group International (UCGI), a UK based investment conglomerate arrives in Liberia, Monday May 27, 2024 to assess possibilities for investment in Liberia, a resource rich country.

The group headed by  Mr. Benyoucef Faiz Hamacha is looking to invest in a range of sectors in Liberia.

Liberia faces employment challenges mainly for its majority youthful population because of limited private sector expansion, building up the pressure on the government to find something for them to do.

With the new administration pressing forward to keep roads in good shape across the country and launch agriculture as its main flagship mantra, international investment could be the only strongest backbone of the state effort to expand private sector and create jobs.

Already,  the UCGI is in an ongoing preparatory setting up process of what it called the AFRICA CONSORTIUM HOLDING GROUP, PLC  Liberia , the umbrella entity of all the investment projects to be carried out in Liberia.

The company`s delegation brings together a pool of investors that intend to hold exploratory investment discussions with a range of government entities with the view to understanding the potential investment opportunities in various sectors, including infrastructure, agriculture, banking, mining, transportation, communications etc.

Grand Gedeh County District #3 Representative, Jacob Debee extended the invitation to the UK based group that is touching down at the Robert’s International Airport on a private jet Monday to begin talks with officials, beginning with the Chairman of the National Investment Commission on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

Representative Debee said he looked forward to fruitful engagements between the investors and Liberian Government officials leading to what he called a launch of the much-needed investment to absorb the country’s youths.

He said as a youth himself; he’s keen on scouting investment out there to come to Liberia to support the government’s efforts at creating jobs through the private sector.

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