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IPNEWS: Grand Kru County Superintendent, Antoinette Worwlee Nimley has embarked on a more robust initiatives to strengthen and enhance citizens and state security working relationship in an efforts trickle narcotics drugs, including other menace that will impede the county’s growth and development.

She said young people are Victims as a result of consuming harmful substances that is greatly having negative impacts on their lives and  as such stressed the need for collective efforts from the citizens in aiding the joints security of Grand Kru deal with the situation.

The county Superintendent Nimely disclosed that the government led by President Joseph Boakai and her administration remains very key on combating illegal substances aimed to restoring the future of the youths of the county.

She narrated that the only way the county will achieve in it’s fight against  the harmful substances require the total involvement of the citizens and local authorities by providing intelligent to the  security.

Madam Antoinette Worwlee Nimley a former Representative candidate in electoral district One Grand Kru County was appointed by President Joseph Boakai and inducted into office recently in Barclayville Grand County alongside her corps of officials.

She said, her administration will buttress the efforts of officers of the Liberia National Police, Liberia Immigration services, Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency, and motorcyclists as they embark on such journey.

Madam Nimley assured the citizens of Grand Kru that her administration will tackle the continued mysterious disappearence of peaceful citizens in bushes to stop immediately, adding it doesn’t offer well for the county it’s people.

The Grand Kru County superintendent emphasized that  such incidents can scare potential investors away from the county and its needs to stop.

She made these assertions recently, when the  newly assigned Police commander general of the county Clement Ballah took over from his predecessor Dowue Goldoe

Meanwhile, newly assigned Police commander Assistant commissioner of Police Clement Barlatt said, he’s under obligation to work along with the county authority during his tenure in Grand Kru County.

He said his presence as commander in the county is not to remove or dismiss officers of the LNP, but to make sure they respect the rights of the citizens and the citizens also will respect them.

The soft spoken Police commander vowed to clamp down on  individuals who are in the habit of beating on women to avoid such acts or face the full weight of penal code law

ACP Ballah also warned criminals to be on their alert, as his operation is to make Grand Kru free of criminal’s activities.

The former Lofa County Police Commander spoke when he took mantle of authority as Police Commander General in Grand Kru County.

In a related development, the outgoing Police commander of Grand Kru ACP Dowue Goldoe praised the past county authority for affording her to serve in the county.

She said, it is good to trust in God in any given situation as she bits farewell to Grand Kru County and onward to her newly assigned counties as Regional commander for Bong, Nimba and Lofa Counties.

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