Liberia: PYJ Retreats To Nimba County Amidst War Crimes Establishment

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Liberia: PYJ Retreats To Nimba County Amidst War Crimes Establishment

—As Fear Looms Over Insecurity of Roaming former Fighters

IPNEWS: Last week Senator Prince Johnson claimed to be having a strained relationship with President Joseph Boakai, since news of the establishment of the court went viral in the country.

Senator Johnson, who is affectionately known as PYJ, was the head of the notorious rebel group Independent National Patriotic Front (INPFL) which captured, ousted and brutally killed ex-Liberian President Samuel Kanyan Doe, in September 1990, including several Liberians at this Bushrod Island rebel bases.

PYJ claimed that the Liberian leader was no longer responding to his phone calls.

“Mr. Boakai has even refused to pick up my phone because of his connection with the Allan White group, as he feels that I am a war criminal. But we are watching. They want to do something clandestine against us, and we are not going to accept that,” Senator Johnson said.

He added, “My people in Nimba County were killed in cold blood, and we fought in defense. We gave you votes, and you want to go after us? We are not going to accept that. My people in Nimba are listening to you, and you think they are going to sit here and turn me over to you to give me false charges on things that I never did before?”

As the establishment of war and economic crime court in Liberia intensifies to target major warlords who masterminded the brutal killing of over 250,000 innocent Liberians and foreign residents during the nearly fifteen years of brutal civil war, the online GNN Liberia is reporting that some of those expected to be prosecuted during the start of court here in Liberia are planning to return to their homeland to be barricaded with heavy security presence.

Among those planning to return home to resist the War crimes court submission is the former rebel leader, now Senator of Nimba County, Prince Y. Johnson.

According to the report Senator Prince Johnson has ordered his kinsmen, many of whom who took part in the Liberian civil war to be in readiness for any eventuality while he is in his protective hideout in the county.

Recently Senator Johnson said on a local radio station, Truth FM 96.1, stated that thousands of former rebel generals, commandos, and other former fighters who fought alongside with him have been order to be in readiness in case of any attempt on his life from any extender forces.

In furtherance to this call, some members of the House of Representatives from Nimba County have refused to attest their signatures on the documents for the establishment of the court in Liberia noting that the signing of such document is not timely.

It is not known as to whether Senators from Nimba County will concur with their colleagues in the House of Representatives for the court to be established aimed at prosecuting those who actively took part in such brutal civil war that led to the destruction of the country’s infrastructure growth, and the demise of over 250,000 Liberians and foreign residents.

Thousands of Liberians, many of who relatives, friends and others were killed during the country’s civil war have all welcomed the establishment of the War and Economic Crimes Court in Liberia, hoping that those who took part and murdered in cold blood innocent citizens be brought to justice.

Last week, former rebel leader who headed the Movement For Democracy in Liberia (MODEL) has spoken strongly against the establishment of war and economic crimes court in Liberia.

Grand Gedeh County Senator, Thomas Yaya Nimely warned the Unity Party Government against the establishment of the War and Economic Crimes Court and focus on rescuing the citizens.

Addressing a news conference Wednesday, March 6, 2024 up Capitol Hill, Senator Nimely stressed that President Joseph Boakai promised to change things through the Rescue Mission it campaigned to the Liberian people.

The former rebel leader emphasized that all programs on the President’s agenda will be completely undermined if the government establishes the WECC in the first two to three months to target certain individuals.

This position of the lawmaker comes just a day after over 40 members of the House of Representatives endorsed a resolution for the establishment of the court and sent to the Liberian Senate for concurrence.

But Senator Nimely said he is neither afraid nor oppose to the establishment of the WECC, adding that he is in support of justice for victims of war and economic crimes in the country.

“You campaign all around here on the Rescue Mission and you said you were coming to rescue the citizens but just two months in office, you are rushing to establish War and Economic Crimes Court in Liberia. Is that what you promised the people,” he wondered.

The Grand Gedeh County Senator emphasized that the establishment of such court does not necessarily have to be championed by the whites, expressing concern as to whether the Liberian Government sought the help of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“What is the wisdom of the government to bring this court to Liberia when the citizens are still crying for better social services, economic impact and national development,” he added.

Senator Thomas Yaya Nimely has however expressed strong confidence of walking out free should he appear before the War and Economic Crimes Court when established.

“Charles Taylor was chasing after and killing the Krahn people. He was killing children, babies and pregnant women and throwing them in the water. We ran to the Ghanaian soldiers for help but they refused; not one of them could help us so we took arms and fought in defense of ourselves,” he averred.

“You want to take me to War Crimes Court, I challenge you I will walk back home,” Senator Nimely emphasized.

In a latest report, Senator Thomas Yaya Nimely has called on President Joseph Boakai to recall the Superintendent–designate of Grand Gedeh County, Alex Chester Grant.

Senator Nimely said since the nomination of Mr. Grant to the position, there has been series of protestations in the county by several citizens, calling on his office and others to ensure the nominee is not confirmed.

According to him, the Liberian leader failed to consult authorities of the county, especially the citizens through their legislators before nominating Mr. Grant to the position something he said continues to cause chaos in the county.

“The appointment has been causing a serious problem for me for weeks now since the decision was taken. Citizens are demonstrating against that and others are calling from the United States and I think the President needs to listen to the over 300,000 people,” he noted.

The lawmaker said once the citizens demand that the Superintendent–designate be recalled, he has no option but to go by what they demand, adding that he has nothing against the nominee.

According to him, the citizens have accused Mr. Grant of kidnapping their son who living or dead body is yet to be found in the county, stressing that the nominee has since been prevented by the people from entering certain parts within the area.

“We are appealing to the President to recall his nominee and call us for consultation to give names of qualified individuals to select. This one is causing problem,” Senator Nimely said.

He disclosed that the Committee on Internal Affairs was urged to halt the hearing of Mr. Grant until the citizens are consulted, adding that the people’s will is his will.

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