Senate to Probe AFL Servicemen’s ‘Wives’’ Protest -To Hold Retreat on National Issues 

Diaspora News

Senate to Probe AFL Servicemen’s ‘Wives’’ Protest -To Hold Retreat on National Issues 

By Jacqueline L. Dennis

 The Senate on Tuesday, February 13, set up a committee to launch an investigation into the protest led by women believed to be Armed Forces of Liberia service men’s wives.

The Senate Pro-Tempore, Ms. Nyonblee Kargana-Lawrence asked Senator Augustine Chea of Sinoe County to Chair, while Senator Amara Mohammed Konneh will serve as Co-chair on the committee. Others include Lofa County Senator Momo Cyrus, Dabah M. Varpilah of Cape Mount County, Senator J. GblehBo  Brown of Maryland County, Senator Crayon O. Duncan Sinoe County, Senator Abraham Darious Dillon Montserrado County,  Senator James H. Biney, Maryland, and River Gee County Senator Francis S. Dopoh.

She said the committee will also look at those who had authority over the situation during the protest.

The action of the AFL wives on Monday, February 12, caused major security concerns for the nation. The women blocked major highways and other roads seriously impeding the movements of people.

The women’s action also led to the suspension of the Armed Forces Day celebration which is one of the major holidays in Liberia. The women’s protest also forced the Defense Minister, Retired Major General Prince C. Johnson III, to resign less than three days after assuming office.

General Auditing Commission

In another development, Pro-Tempore Lawrence told senators that she has informed the General Auditing Commission (GAC) to help the Senate put its Financial Management Systems in place.

She noted that the leadership of the Senate looks forward to GAC’s response to start the process for the effective and efficient financial management system.


Meanwhile, the Senate is set to host a retreat in order to discuss several national issues.

Some of issues that will feature prominent in the Senate’s discussion will be the fight against drugs, poor health care, education, and road infrastructures.

The need for the retreat grew when senators began telling their experiences going around the country during the campaign period of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

They all spoke of the urgent need to find solutions to the nation’s problems.

Specifically, Senator Simeon Taylor of Grand Cape Mount County raised two concerns including border security. He stressed that they should consider it highly during their retreat. Sen. Taylor narrated that during the elections, some Sierra Leoneans crossed over to Liberia and threatened his people’s lives. He also mentioned the County sitting.

While Senator Edwin M. Snowe of Bomi County talked about the rebranding of the legislature. He noted that another area is oversized responsibility, local government.

According to Sen. Snowe, the chiefs and other local leaders, including commissioners, get threatened by incoming regimes for their support. “So every government that takes over, they are forced to become members of that party when the new government threatens to remove their names from the list. So when other governments come they have to be part of that party there is no stability in our culture,” he said.

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