‘Intellectual Center’ Honors Simeon Freeman for “Demonstrated Proficiency at Entrepreneurship”

Diaspora News

‘Intellectual Center’ Honors Simeon Freeman for “Demonstrated Proficiency at Entrepreneurship”

IPNEWS: The Center for the Intellectual Exchange of Opinions (CIEO), a socio-economic, political meeting spot in Central Monrovia, on February 9th, honored Mr. Simeon Freeman, Political Leader of the Movement for Progressive Change (MPC).

CIEO said the businessman-turned politician was recognized for his demonstrated proficiency at entrepreneurship” under what they referred to as “difficult economic circumstances.”

CIEO’s National Executive Chairperson, Dax Elliott, stated as he read the wordings on the certificate that was presented to Freeman: “CIEO proudly presents this certificate to Honorable Simeon Freeman, Liberian Entrepreneur and Political Leader, MPC. In recognition of your demonstrated proficiency at premiership under difficult economic circumstances; and your distinguished innovation for national wealth creation as a conduit for development and alleviation of poverty.

“Whereas, your unique argumentation is a clarion call to the need for critical analysis of the Liberian society for addressing its perennial flaws; and impressed by the sum of these enviable expertise of yours, this certificate is awarded thus.”

Earlier, before Elliot had presented the certificate to Freeman, he informed the public that the businessman was going to offer his opinions on the state of the political economy of Liberia and all other appertaining issues

“As we seek to address the impacts of the ramifications of the different geopolitical tensions bedeviling our shared economy, from Europe to Western Asia to Africa, continued public exchanges proven a certain medium for deriving alternative policy for boosting domestic resources and increasing national budget, remains a resounding imperative,” he added.

He praised his honoree for always discussing issues that pertain to Liberia and not talking about individuals.

Responding to the “amazing recognition”, the MPC’s Political Leader said he didn’t see it coming. According to him, he was only informed by CIEO’s authorities when he got to the center, where he had been invited to proffer his opinions about national issues.

He stated that doing business in Liberia at this time is very tough; adding, however, that it has been an “amazing journey” since he started doing business in Liberia.

He informed his audience, who included yana boys, university students, academicians, politicians, others about his business journey so far.

“Today, we are situated in Fiamah where we have a seven-storey building that is under completion. In that building, we have a lot—an exercise room for our staff, a dining hall.”

Freeman, who beams live signals of the Digital Satellite Television (DSTV) from its base in South Africa in Liberia, further stated that he is also in the process of setting up a channel that will only stream and promote Liberian movies.

At another investment he has in the Garnesville Township of Monrovia, he stated that he had to shut down that investment to increase productivity from 5000 bottles an hour to 25,000 bottles an hour.

On the political front, as Simeon Freeman is: not shying from the hard political discourse, he, among other things, again spoke of how Liberians should brace themselves for tough times under the Joe Boakai-led Administration.

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