Diaspora Alert Rejects Boakai’s Call for Conference 

Diaspora News

Diaspora Alert Rejects Boakai’s Call for Conference 

IPNEWS: Diaspora Alert (DA) calls on thousands of its members in the Diaspora to boycott the periodic Diaspora Conference as announced by the Liberian President Joseph Boakai in his inaugural address.
On Monday, January 22, 2024, President Boakai though felt short of verbally delivering fully his inaugural address due to heat exhaustion as stated by his handlers – however, it was later published on the Executive Mansion website which amongst others highlights his plan on engaging the Liberian Diaspora Community.
“To the Liberian Diaspora Community in the United States and around the world, we recognize your role in the effort to build society and help improve the country’s political, economic, and social conditions. The Diaspora Community will have a pivotal role in our government and be an important partner in the renewal we seek for Liberia.
We will seek new engagements to leverage the critical mass of the Diaspora in national development. I am, therefore, announcing the holding of periodic Diaspora Conferences to enhance diaspora engagement in national development”. The address stated.
According to Eric Pervist, Chairman, DA, boycotting the call by the president on grounds that he must first demonstrate an uncompromising fight against corruption by declaring and publishing his assets in addition to auditing the inaugural committee that allegedly squandered about a million united states dollars of Liberian taxpayers’ money.
Diaspora Alert vows to not support in any way or form a government those nurtures corruption, and does not seem to show an atom of willingness to curtail the menace. The advocacy group encourages the Unity Party led government not to jump start its six years mandate by begging around the world. Rather, it should focus on harnessing available resources and opportunities at home whilst closing windows of corruptions.
However, Diaspora Alert might reconsider its decision to boycott the periodic conference with President Boakai, provided, his government demonstrates zero tolerance against corruption and genuine adherence to the rule of law.
Diaspora Alert remains committed to a ceaseless campaign for the betterment of the motherland (Liberia).

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