Pres. Boakai’s Inauguration Marred by Alleged Funds Misapplication: Ruling Unity Party Officials Under Scrutiny 

Diaspora News

Pres. Boakai’s Inauguration Marred by Alleged Funds Misapplication: Ruling Unity Party Officials Under Scrutiny 

IPNEWS: President Joseph Boakai’s inauguration celebration in all 73 districts across the country was marred by an unexpected hurdle. Despite the President’s intentions to provide financial support to the districts, it has come to light that the generous amount of US$365,000 allocated for their festivities did not actually reach them. Instead, a reliable source has indicated that the officials of the ruling Unity Party are to blame for this unfortunate situation.

Reports from district coordinators have revealed a glaring discrepancy in the distribution of funds. Instead of the intended US$5,000, each district only received US$4,000. This revelation has been further corroborated by sources from the counties, who disclosed that party Chairman Rev. Luther Tarpeh instructed a deduction of US$1,000 from the original allocation for the districts. Consequently, the districts were left with a reduced amount that fell short of their expectations.

To compound the issue, information from the districts suggests that the county chairs also deducted additional amounts from the already diminished US$4,000. This further exacerbated the financial strain on the districts, leaving them with even less resources to organize meaningful inauguration celebrations.

The consequences of this misapplication of funds are far-reaching and concerning. The districts, which had eagerly anticipated the financial support from the government, have been left disappointed and disillusioned. Their hopes of organizing grand celebrations to mark the inauguration of President Joseph Boakai have been dashed due to the actions of the ruling party officials.

Moreover, this incident reflects a breach of trust between the government and its citizens. The misappropriation of funds meant for the districts not only undermines the credibility of the ruling Unity Party but also erodes public confidence in the government’s commitment to transparency and accountability.

Furthermore, the impact of this financial shortfall extends beyond the realms of the inauguration celebrations. The districts, which are often in need of resources for various development projects, were counting on the allocated funds to address pressing socioeconomic challenges. With the reduced amount received, their ability to address these issues has been severely compromised.

The revelation of this miscalculation of funds raises questions about the integrity and ethics of the ruling party officials involved. It is imperative that a thorough investigation is conducted to determine the extent of the misappropriation and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The citizens of the districts deserve to know the truth and see justice served.

In conclusion, President Joseph Boakai’s inauguration celebration in all 73 districts across the country faced an unexpected hurdle as the allocated funds did not reach their intended recipients. The ruling Unity Party officials are at fault for this misapplication, which has left the districts with a reduced amount of funds for their celebrations. This incident not only undermines public trust but also hinders the districts’ ability to address pressing socioeconomic challenges. It is crucial that a transparent investigation is conducted, and those responsible are held accountable for their actions. Only then can the government begin to restore the faith of the citizens and rebuild the trust that has been shattered.

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