PERSPECTIVE: Evolving Past Failures Towards a Prosperous Liberia: An Examination of Leadership under President Joseph N. Boakai and Vice President Jeremiah K. Koung

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PERSPECTIVE: Evolving Past Failures Towards a Prosperous Liberia: An Examination of Leadership under President Joseph N. Boakai and Vice President Jeremiah K. Koung

By: Austin S. Fallah-Student of Finance, Economics, Public Policy, Public Administration, Engineering, Leadership, Management, and Law/Legal Studies

Examining the administration of President Joseph N. Boakai and Vice President Jeremiah K. Koung necessitates a thoughtful consideration of past governmental failures, which inherently shape strategies for Liberia’s prosperity.

Rather than dismissing these challenges, we must view them as crucial elements guiding the realization of Liberia’s full potential.

Throughout history, Liberia’s leadership grappled with issues such as corruption, economic disparities, and insufficient social services.

These past shortcomings not only led to societal deficits but also served as valuable lessons for the current and future leaders of Liberia.

Recognizing past missteps becomes a compass for President Boakai and Vice President Koung, steering their administration towards transparency and accountability, foundational pillars of good governance.

In contrast to previous executives who overlooked corruption cases, their focus should be cultivating an ethical administration through robust anti-corruption laws, engagement with civil society organizations, and promoting a culture of integrity.

Addressing economic disparities takes precedence as well. Short-sighted policies in the past exacerbated income inequality, plunging many Liberians into poverty.

The Boakai-Koung administration must introduce reforms that foster equitable wealth distribution, including policies stimulating domestic industries, fortifying the agricultural sector, and implementing poverty alleviation programs.

As proposed in one of my policy proposal essays, I suggested the inclusion of the seventy-three (73) districts as shareholders in all natural resources exploration contracts to enable revenue generated from these contracts to trickle down to the masses. By doing this, many Liberians living in the hinterland will be lifted from poverty to a decent life, adding them back to the civilization of our global village, as enshrined in my book ” Diversity as the New World Currency.”

Moreover, past failures in delivering social services necessitate prioritizing quality education, health services, and housing for all Liberians, irrespective of socio-economic status.

The proposed reforms require a nuanced understanding of past government failings, emphasizing a pro-people approach to policy-making and implementation as the key lesson from past administrations’ failures.

Recognizing the value of past government failures is pivotal for Liberia’s prosperity.

President Boakai and Vice President Koung have the opportunity to lead Liberia away from institutional corruption, economic disparity, and inadequate social services.

Learning from past errors and focusing on reform presents the most promising route for a prosperous Liberia.

As Liberia enters a new era under President Joseph N. Boakai and Vice President Jeremiah K. Koung, it is an opportune moment to reflect on the country’s past and evaluate the successes and challenges of previous governments.

While many celebrate past successes, profound wisdom lies in learning from failures.

The shortcomings of previous governments serve as guideposts, illuminating a path away from mistakes toward potential success in decision-making.

Therefore, as Liberia progresses under President Boakai and Vice President Koung, rectifying past failures becomes the driving force for a prosperous nation.

By learning from past leaders’ missteps and constructing policies to combat corruption, prioritize infrastructure development, and promote equitable growth, Liberia is poised for a prosperous future.

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