Sen. Gbehzohngar M. Findley, Declares Assets with LACC

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Sen. Gbehzohngar M. Findley, Declares Assets with LACC

— As All Eyes Awaits Pro-Tempore’ Nylonblee Karnga-Lawrence to Declare & Published Assets

IPNEWS: Grand Bassa County Senator Gbehzohngar Milton Findley has officially declared his assets with the Liberia Anti-Curruption Commission (LACC).

In a statement issued in Monrovia Sunday, January 21, 2024, the Grand Bassa Senator stated that in confirmative with Section 10.1 of the Code of Conduct Act of 2014 concerning the declaration of assets which stipulates that “Employee of Government involved in making decisions affecting contracting, tendering or procurement, and issuance of licenses of various types shall sign performance or financial bonds and shall in addition declare his or her income, assets and liabilities prior to taking office…”

“In fulfillment with this crucial provision, I wish to inform you that on January 19, 2024, I have dutifully declared and submitted a comprehensive record of my assets and liabilities to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission.” Senator Gbehzohngar M. Findley stated.

Findley said as legislators and guardians of our Republic’s legal framework, it is imperative that Legislators not only enact laws but also embody the principles they represent, stressing that it is bounden duty of all public officials, particularly Lawmakers to lead by example, setting a precedent for transparency and integrity.

Sen. Findley:  “ By openly declaring our assets, we fortify the foundation of trust upon which our roles as public officials are built. Such actions are vital in nurturing a culture of accountability that extends throughout all branches of government.”

“The journey towards a transparent and accountable governance must commence within the walls of our revered Legislature. It is here that the torch of leadership must be kindled, casting its illuminating glow across the corridors of power and governance in Liberia. As we stand at the helm, it is incumbent upon us, the Liberian Senate, to pave the way and champion the cause of probity and openness.”

“In this spirit, I call upon my fellow senators and all public officials to embrace this call for transparency. Let us join hands in this endeavor to uphold the trust placed in us by the great people of Liberia. By doing so, we shall not only reinforce the mechanisms of accountability but also fortify the public’s confidence in our democratic institutions.”

The former Foreign Minister call on his colleagues to reaffirm their commitments to the principles enshrined in the laws, ensuring that the Republic of Liberia continues to stride along the path of progress and righteousness.

“Together, we can foster a governance culture that is accountable, transparent, and reflective of the aspirations of all Liberians.” Senator Gbehzohngar M. Findley statement concludes.

Last week, upon her election as President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senator, Grand Bassa County Senator Nylonblee Karnga-Lawrence rallied Senators to a more transparent way of doing business and promised to declare and publish her assets last week within various local dallies a pledged seems not forthcoming .

“Distinguished Colleagues, as I embark upon this important role, it is crucial to establish a clear plan of action for my first 100 days in office as President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate.

This plan will focus on strengthening the legislative process, open and transparent legislative proceedings, enhancing legislative oversight, and improving the legislative work environment to include the welfare of legislative staff. This blueprint, when formulated in closed consultation with the leadership of the Liberian Senate, will outline key priorities and initiatives to help me effectively steer the affairs of this august body, foster positive change, and make an everlasting impact.”

“As a mark of transparency and accountability, and in order to lead by example, I hereby inform you that I will declare my Assets and Liabilities as well as publish this week. I encourage my Distinguished Senators to make every effort in doing same. We have a duty, and we must do! Over the last couple of years, I have had the opportunity to work alongside Members of the Senate, regardless of political affiliation, to address the pressing issues facing our country.” Senate Pro-Tempore’, Nylonblee Karnga-Lawrence assured.

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