CSO Council Distances Itself From CSNL Over Support to Nominee(s)

Diaspora News

CSO Council Distances Itself From CSNL Over Support to Nominee(s)

IPNEWS: Amid public misunderstanding in distinguishing the difference the National Civil Council of Liberia (NCSCL) and a group under the banner of Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL), the former has set the record straight that it has at no time supported the confirmation of any public official.

With over 2,000 member organizations across the country, NCSCL is the apex body of all civil society organizations (CSOs) in the country.

It could be recalled that following the late appointment of Cllr. Frank Musa Dean as Associate Justice to the Supreme Court Bench by President George Manneh Weah, CSNL issued a statement in which it expressed support for the nominee to be confirmed by the Liberian Senate.

Despite many Liberians both home and abroad deeming the appointment as inexpedient, the group opined that the appointment was a laudable decision by the outgoing President.

Among other things, CSNL added that the country’s current justice minister is one of Liberia’s respectable legal minds and experienced public servant, whose achievements and academic credentials make him best suited to serve as one of the Associate Justices of the Honorable Supreme Court.

Since the statement was released by the CSNL on January 1, 2024, some Liberians in some quarters of the society have misunderstood the difference between the two organizations with some taking the CSOs umbrella organization (NCSCL) to task on Facebook for bad advocacy.

But on the heel of this mistaken identity, NCSCL has issued a disclaimer to set the record straight that it has at no time expressed support for any politician to be confirmed by the Liberia Senate.

“We have not and we will not do so because this is none our concern to do that. In fact, when the nomination was made, we condemned the President’s decision on ground that it was lawful but not expedient. So how come could have come again to support the same process that we had earlier criticized,” said the statement signed by Madam Loretta Alethea Pope-Kai, Chairperson of the Council.

“The National Civil Society Council is a reputation and we will always fight to maintain this reputation – we will reduce our organization to a praise singing group to gain cash transfer from politicians or government. It is our commitment to remain neutral but keep society feet to the fire; this we will do without fear or favor,” the Council asserted.

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