Boakai-Lawmaker Meeting Turns Fiasco; Seeks One Party Dominance

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Boakai-Lawmaker Meeting Turns Fiasco; Seeks One Party Dominance

— As Less Majority Lawmakers Attend President-elect Call Meeting

IPNEWS: Words Representative Yekeh Kolubah keeps resounding when he called on president-elect Joseph N. Boakai to desist from the ugly past which sunk the George Weah government, particularly concept of turning Liberia into a one-party state when the President, Speaker, and President Pro-tempore’ were all executive members of the CDC.

On November 14, millions of Liberians voted the Unity Party with a presumptive hope that President-elect Joseph N. Boakai can change the already collapsed system into a future of hope.

However, there are jittering signals ahead of the inauguration of Joseph N. Boakai as 25th President of the Republic of Liberia, with reports of some of this close associates of bribery for jobs, which a Boakai himself has been accused of dashing out LRD 10 million in contravention of the code of conduct.

Amid all these, the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper has reliably gathered that Monday’s meeting called for by President-elect with outgoing and incoming lawmakers at this Rehab residence was all about meddling and vote influencing for another Koon who seeks the seat of Speaker of the House of Representative.

IPNEWS reporter on covert witnessed that the conspicuous absence of less than a majority of the lawmakers punching the meeting into a Richard Koon block of 29 incoming lawmakers.

Richard Koon

Our reporter later saw other lawmakers most of whom are members of the Fonati Koffa block reluctantly walking late into the meeting. Those lawmakers present at the Boakai called meeting include, Bomi county: Obediah Varney, and Sam Jallah; Bong county: District #1 James Kolleh, and Foday Fahnbulleh District #4; Gbarpolu county: Mustapha Waritay; Grand Bassa County: Issac Bannie, District #2; Grand Gedeh County: Jacob Debee; Cape Mount county: Mohammed Dosii; Grand kru: Nathaniel Bahway; Lofa county: Augustine Chiewolo; Montsorrado county: Rugie yatu Barry, Prescilla Cooper, Prince Toles, Richard koon, and Sekou Konneh; Maryland county: Austin Taylor and Anthony Williams; Nimba county: Samuel Brown, Nyahn Garsaye Flomo, Nehker Gaye, Samuel Kogar, Musa Bility, and Saye Mianah, District #4; Rivercess county: Alex Grant; River Gee county: Alexander Poure; Sinoe county: Sampson Wiah.

At of the start of the meeting, President-elect Joseph N. Boakai called on lawmakers especially the incoming lawmakers to vote officials of that body persons that would support his Legislative agenda, sparking concerns and uneasiness as to the real intend of the meeting.

Political pundits opted that they would have hope that the president-elect Boakai would have line-listed his presumptive Legislative Agenda seeking lawmakers their support in accelerating the development agenda of Liberia, but on the contrary the meeting turned into a pro Richard Koon vote appeal prompting a walkout of some lawmakers both old and new Representatives.

Cross section of members of the House of Representatives

IPNEWS reporter also observed the dashing out of brown envelops to some joyous lawmakers who declined commenting on what was contained in those envelops.

Already, the Unity Party has put forth Grand Bassa County Senator, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence as the presumptive candidate for the seat of Pro Tempore’ of the Liberian Senate, as it galvanizes support for Richard Koon at the lower House for the Speakership.

Ahead of the meeting, a release by Mr. Mo Ali, Pollical officers, in the office of the President-elect, stated the call meeting by the President-elect was to brief old and incoming lawmakers of his Legislative agenda but unfortunately turned into a fiasco after it was clearly seen that it was to influence vote for the Unity Party presumptive candidate Richard Koon.

Latest report coming out of camp of Deputy speaker, Cllr. Jonathan Fonati Kofa seeking his bid for the Speakership of the 55th Legislature is said to be getting more support as Bassa County district five representative, Thomas Goshua and other lawmakers have given their full backing to the Grand Kru County Lawmaker.

Hon. J. Fonati Koffa, Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives, Liberia, and a visionary leader

Representative Goshua told journalists recently that he is supporting the Lawmaker based on reformation policy.

“ I support the ideology that Fonati can be the best speaker for the 55th Legislature and that’s where I am leading,” the Bassa lawmaker said.

He justified that he knows who the individual is because he followed his workings long before they both met at the Legislature.

“ This is an individual that cuts across everybody. He doesn’t align with a person because of your political affiliations” Goshua intoned.

Some of the characteristics of Koffa, according to the Grand Bassa County lawmaker, is that he fairly distributes what belongs to everyone.

Unlike other lawmakers, whom he did not name, have appetite for others ‘properties.

He additionally said from the very start, Koffa has been preaching the reformation and the rebranding of the Legislature of Liberia something he said they stood for at the time as Independent Legislative caucus.

“This Legislature, we need to rebrand it, we need to reform it,” he said.

The Grand Bassa County lawmaker acknowledged that they, as lawmakers, have not been doing what they were elected by the people to do, stating, “ We need to change this thing and regain our dignity.”

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