Indian Navy Commandos Deploy To Combat hijacked Liberia-flagged Ship

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Indian Navy Commandos Deploy To Combat hijacked Liberia-flagged Ship

IPNEWS-NEW DELHI: Indian navy commandos for the first time have boarded a Liberian-flagged bulk carrier that was the subject of a hijacking attempt in the Arabian Sea and have started the clearing operations, the navy said Friday.

“It’s a big ship. It will take time as the group of commandos have to check every compartment of the ship to clear it of any hijackers and there can be a confrontation,” Commander Mehul Karnik, a navy spokesperson, said.

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations monitor reported on Friday that the search had been completed and no hijackers had been found on board, but the Indian navy said it could not yet confirm that.

The vessel sent a message on the UKMTO portal indicating that it had been boarded by five to six unknown armed people on Thursday evening, the navy said in a statement.

The navy diverted a ship deployed for maritime security operations to assist the vessel MV Lila Norfolk, the statement said.

Ambrey, a maritime intelligence firm, said the bulk carrier started to drift 670 kilometers (420 miles) east of Hafun, Somalia, adding that its crew included 15 Indian nationals.

A patrol aircraft overflew the vessel early Friday and established contact with the crew and ascertained that they were safe, the navy said. The aircraft is continuing to monitor the carrier’s movements.

Karnik said the crew members said they were in their strong room and were operating the vessel from there.

The situation is being closely monitored in coordination with other agencies in the area, the navy added.

No group immediately claimed responsibility for the assault. There have been growing concerns about shipping in the region following attacks by Yemeni Houthi rebels.

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