Kush Allegedly Killed 17-Year-Old Boy

Business News

Kush Allegedly Killed 17-Year-Old Boy

IPNEWS: A boy believed to be in his early seventeen has Allegedly been killed by Kush. According to family sources, James Padmore met his untimely death late Wednesday, December 20, 2023, in Owensgrove City, Grand Bassa County.

Kush is a dangerous substance or drug that is been abused by young people around the country.

There has been public outcry in recent times especially during the just ended elections, about the prevalence of harmful drugs that have often being abused by youth across the country.

Speaking to IPNEWS today in Owensgrove City, an eye witness who claimed to know the deceased indicated that James’s involvement with drugs abused has been more than three years.

He said James Padmore was a student at the Cotton Tree Public School near Harbel, Margibi County and dropped out of school since he became active in his drug activities. Seykajipo Amegashie writes.

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