Liberia: “Education Is Most-Powerful Weapon, Which Can Be Used to Change the World”

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Liberia: “Education Is Most-Powerful Weapon, Which Can Be Used to Change the World”

Foreign Minister Kemayah Tells Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary Graduates

Foreign Minister Amb. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., has disclosed that Education is the most powerful weapon, which can use to change the world, noting that the Theological education is indeed a specialized knowledge, which has armed people with the power and wisdom to foster healing, peace, reconciliation, and unity within our nation, region and the world in general. “It has armed you to propagate the theory of the ‘Good Samaritan’. It is in your purview and ability to foster love over hate; peace over conflict or war, reconciliation over divisiveness; unity over disunity; and virtue over vice in society”.

Foreign Minister Kemayah intoned that the world we live in, is beset by numerous challenges poverty, inequality, corruption, violence, terrorism, extremism, war, unconstitutional changes in Governments, inhumanity and environmental degradation, to name a few. These issues are not unique to our region, but also resonate deeply across our one world, and continue to endure our own unique share of trials and tribulations.

Foreign Minister Keyamah and an official of the Liberia Baptist Theological Semnary

Speaking as Convocation speaker on Saturday, December 16, 2023 at the 41st graduation of the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary, Minister Kemayah said from the successful story of being Africa’s first and oldest Independent Republic to a devastating civil war that ravaged the land for years to the lingering effects of poverty and corruption, Liberia has experienced deep wounds that are in need of healing, noting that it will be healed – “we will lift Liberia. But as we prepare to heal, we must understand that we are a resilient People, imbued with a spirit of hope and perseverance. Liberia looks to its theological leaders for guidance, inspiration, and a vision of a brighter future”.

Foreign Minister Kemayah mentioned that poverty continues to cast a shadow over the lives of the vast majority of Liberians. According to the World Bank, a significant portion of the population lives below the poverty line, struggling to meet their basic needs. “We must be clear that the issue of poverty was one of the root causes of our ugly past – our can never be justified Liberian Civil war, and not something of new today. As fresh graduates marching into the society, you are called to address the structural causes of poverty, and to work towards improving the economic systems that will prioritize the welfare and well-being of your fellow compatriots, especially the down trodden and most vulnerable ones”.

41st Graduates of the Liberia Baptist Theologocal Seminary

“It is our collective duty as citizens of the world to pull all our resources to combat corruption which has become an endemic vice in our world society, hindering our global progress and growth. We have to continue to stand together and stem it out of our society. Corruption has eroded trust in institutions, undermined confidence and integrity in public service, and perpetuate inequality and inequity. As graduates, you must embody integrity, transparency, and accountability in your personal and professional lives. You must vaccinate yourselves with virtue and trustworthiness. You must be agents of positive change, working towards a society where justice, peace, love, transparency, openness and accountability will prevail”, Minister Kemayah noted.

The Dean of the Cabinet said: “You will agree that corruption, violence and conflict are part of the foundation cornerstones of this country, and has haunted us all alone our national existence. As corruption eats into our foundation, violence and conflict have implanted deep wounds and division in our bodies. We have been torn apart by conflict and violence. The knowledge you have acquired must be used to re-enforce our socio-economic and political foundation. Your knowledge must be used to further enhance the creation of a new brand society in which all of us will be happily accommodated, and in which we will continue to proudly call ourselves citizens. We must apply our knowledge to heal our archaic national wounds and foster peace, reconciliation and unity. Be inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour; take up the mantle of his disciples and take the commission to be the ambassadors of peace, reconciliation and unity, striving to bridge divides, promote dialogue, and foster understanding among different groups within our society”.

Foreign Minister Kemayah used the occasion to commend His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia for his unwavering practical commitment and courage demonstrated in the fight against corruption in Liberia by giving the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission unprecedented powers, simply put, the long desired teeth to bite in the fight against corruption in Liberia through the enacted law signed by His Excellency President Dr. WEAH and printed into hand bills was given the LACC. For instance, through this law signed by His Excellency President Dr. WEAH, the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission now has Prosecutorial powers.

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