Suspected Terrorist Attack?  Unknown Vehicle Kills At Least Five @ UP Victory Rally

Diaspora News

Suspected Terrorist Attack?  Unknown Vehicle Kills At Least Five @ UP Victory Rally

-As Several Gets Wounded

IPNEWS:  At least five persons are feared dead when a moving vehicle crashed into scrolls of partisans and supporters of the Unity Party at its victory rally on Monday, November 20.

According to several witnesses, the speeding vehicle approached jubilant Unity Party partisans killing five with several wounded.

Wounded partisan after the unkown vehicle crash

According to the eyewitnesses interviewed at the scene of the incident narrates that an unknown vehicle at about 11 pm drove near the Unity Party’s headquarters parked for about five minutes turned off the headlights and later drove into the crowd of celebrating Unity Party party Partisans minutes after the announcement of final official results given by the National Elections Commission ( NEC).

Wounded partisan after the unkown vehicle crash

According to eyewitnesses, there was another red Motorbike seen parked by the unidentified vehicle before the incident occurred.

Wounded partisan after the unkown vehicle crash

The driver of the unknown vehicle jumped off the vehicle and escaped allowing it to uncontrollably run into the crowd.

Wounded partisan after the unkown vehicle crash

As the moving vehicle rolled crashing into the crowd, an angry mob set ablaze the vehicle noticing the absence of a driver.

unknown vehicle
set ablaze

There has been no statement from authorities of the Unity Party,  or the Liberian police up to PRESS time. Investigation continues.

1 thought on “Suspected Terrorist Attack?  Unknown Vehicle Kills At Least Five @ UP Victory Rally”

  1. Wow! This is absolute wickedness. Why go that route? Why will one kill your fellow Liberians just because of their victory?

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