LIBERIA: Decades in the Wings, Boakai set for Presidency

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LIBERIA: Decades in the Wings, Boakai set for Presidency

IPNEWS: with over four decades of political experience behind him, Joseph Boakai is expected to be announced shortly by Liberia’s electoral commission as winner of the runoff election held on November 14, 2023, after incumbent leader George Weah conceded election defeat.

Boakai was vice president from 2006 to 2018 to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa’s first elected female president, who rebuilt the ravaged country after a civil war left an estimated 250,000 dead.

While six years ago Boakai won 28.8 percent in the first round and 38.5 percent in the second, he pulled level with Weah in this year’s first round, with both receiving about 43 percent of the vote.

With almost all the polling stations tallied after the latest run-off, Boakai had garnered 50.89 percent of votes against Weah’s 49.11 percent.

The man Joseph Boakai a 78-year-old political veteran, won a place at Liberia’s prestigious College of West Africa in the 1950s, he helped pay his fees by working as the school janitor, cleaning floors and toilets at night and studying by day.

Boakai’s win marks the high point in a long career, much of it spent within touching distance of power, including 12 years as vice president under Weah’s predecessor Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. He lost in a run-off vote to Weah in 2017.

Supporters say his hard work, humility and experience are what voters want after six years of Weah rule that initially brought hope, fame and glamour to the presidency but were marred by corruption and administrative chaos.

Boakai has promised an inclusive government, reflecting the country’s political, ethnic, regional, religious and gender diversity.

He has pledged to improve infrastructure, invest in agriculture, attract investment, open the country to tourism and restore Liberia’s reputation.

“His motivation is to rescue Liberia from the current state it is in,” Mohammed Ali, Boakai’s Unity Party spokesman, told AFP ahead of the vote.

He highlighted an “influx of illicit drugs, the increase in the poverty rate (and) the image of the country being so low” as problems that have worsened under Weah’s presidency.

He faces a huge task to rebuild Africa’s oldest republic which was founded by freed slaves from the Americas in 1822 but has struggled to emerge from two civil wars that killed more than 250,000 people between 1989 and 2003, and from a 2013-16 Ebola epidemic in which thousands died.

The economy grew 4.8% in 2022, driven by gold production and a good rice and cassava harvest, but more than 80% of the West African country’s population of 5 million still face moderate or severe food insecurity, World Bank data show.

Drug use is on the rise among the jobless youth, officials say. Power supply is unreliable across the forested countryside, and pitted roads hinder travel. Last year Liberia was ranked poorly on Transparency International’s corruption index, coming in 142nd out of 180 countries.

Tuesday’s run-off came after a tightly fought first round in October, in which neither candidate passed the 50% of votes needed to win outright. Official results on Friday showed Boakai had 50.9% of the vote over Weah’s 49.1%, with more than 99% of votes counted, prompting Weah’s concession.

In an interview shortly after the results, a softly-spoken Boakai told Reuters that his primary focus would be to bring the country together after a divisive election.

“First and foremost, we want to have a message of peace and reconciliation,” he said.

Konneh, the spokesman, told Reuters on Friday that Boakai would focus initially on education, health, agriculture and the economy, including reining in debt.

“He will give our people hope. He will fix the economy so everyone’s life will improve,” he said.


The son of farmers, Boakai was born in the remote village of Warsonga on the border with Sierra Leone, 150 miles (241 km) from Monrovia, his official biography says. He did odd jobs, including tapping for rubber, before heading to Monrovia in search of an education.

He graduated from university and after taking jobs in the private sector was appointed agriculture minister. In 2005 he was promoted to vice president of Sirleaf’s post-war government.

Now, many see his scandal-free public life and calm demeanour as an antidote to Weah, whose glitzy career as one of Africa’s best ever soccer players took him to clubs in Milan, London and Paris, but which critics say left him ill-equipped to rule.

Boakai, meanwhile, quietly grafted away at home.

After Weah was elected in 2017, he showed a Reuters reporter around his unfinished house in Monrovia, which had a new watchtower and high walls topped with fresh coils of barbed wire. He inspected a new Toyota SUV while sporting a blue suit and gold watch.

Boakai, meanwhile, lives in a relatively modest bungalow that has barely changed since he moved in 50 years ago.

“You can see the difference between the two,” said motorbike taxi driver Prince Jaygbah. “There will be no more corruption in Liberia.”

Questions remain about Boakai’s age and energy. He has been dubbed “sleepy Joe” for allegedly falling asleep at public events.

His campaign shrugs off the concern. “He may be old, but he is as sharp as a razor,” Amara Konneh said.

Some of the 18 other candidates who were now out of the second-round race have endorsed him.

In the first round, he skillfully built alliances with local political leaders, such as the former warlord Prince Johnson, who supported Weah in 2017 and still enjoys strong support in his native Nimba County.

An ally of Johnson — now a member of the Liberian Senate who is under US sanctions for corruption and was seen in a 1990 video sipping beer while his soldiers torture and kill President Samuel Doe — is Boakai’s running mate.

Their ticket won easily in the heavily populated northeastern region.

Like 57-year-old Weah, Boakai is from the Indigenous population and not the US-Liberian elite, who founded the free nation and were descended from slaves.

He was born in a remote village in Lofa County near the borders with Guinea and Sierra Leone, often called Liberia’s “breadbasket”.

He was agriculture minister from 1983 to 1985 under Doe.

Boakai portrays himself as a simple man who rose from humble origins through hard work. He is married with four children.

Throughout the campaign, his team presented Boakai as a man of integrity whose credentials make him the only candidate able to tackle corruption — one of Weah’s key 2017 promises and one on which some voters say he has failed.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Management of the Independent Probe Newspaper trust that articles carried here have helped you in a significant way, and continued to support universal access to information for the sustenance of global democracy, especially the Republic of Liberia. Importantly, IPNEWS

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