Boakai Gets Another Heavyweight’s Backing

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Boakai Gets Another Heavyweight’s Backing

By Taisiah Merfee

IPNEWS – Ahead of the November 14, 2023 Presidential Runoff Election between President/candidate George Manneh Weah and former Vice President/candidate Joseph Nyuma Boakai, the man who came third in the October 10, 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections, Mr. Edward W. Appleton, has thrown his weight behind the presidential bid of VP Boakai.

Appleton, the political leader of the Grassroots Development Movement (GDM) and the two men along with 17 others, participated in the just-ended October 10 Elections. At the end of the tallying process of the October 10 Elections, the National Elections Commission’s Chairlady, Madam Davidetta Browne-Lansanah, said Weah and Boakai obtained the two highest number of votes respectively, so both men were qualified for the runoff election.

Former Vice President Joseph Boakai at Grassroot Development Movement Party Headquarters

Just before publicly announced his support to the Boakai-led presidential bid, Appleton said his decision to endorse former VP Boakai’s bid is based on political ideologies that both parties have in common.

According to him, for so long Liberians have voted people, who have always turned their backs on them (electorates); so, it time that Liberians stand up with former Vice President Boakai in other to rescue the country from Weah and his men.

Appleton stressed that between both men in the runoff, the former Vice President is best suited for the Presidency.

According to him, during the campaign period, he travelled throughout the 15 counties and all he could see and hear from Liberians is that they are suffering and they need a real change. This, he said is something that he and his Executive Committee members see that they have come to endorse the Presidential bid of former Vice President Boakai.

“This decision to endorse former Vice President Boakai is not based on jobs, or cash but based on the conviction that President Weah is no longer able to lead the country judging from his failed leadership,” the GDM leader said.

He said Liberia doesn’t need a President whose lifestyle is more than the people but a president who understands the living conditions of his or her people.

The opposition Unity Party (UP) has so far received the most significant and weighty endorsements in the runoff election as compared to the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

So, Boakai’s bid has received Appleton’s GDM, which came 3rd in the first round with 40,274 votes or 2.2%, half of the All Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP), came 4th with 35,988 or 1.96% and the Liberian People’s Party (LPP), which took the 6th place with 26,394 or 1.44%. UP has also received endorsements from the Liberia First Movement-LFM Party, Rebuilding Party, RNC, DPPL, the only Independent candidate and female, Bendu A. Kromah and host of other parties.

Receiving the Endorsement at the GDM Head office in Congotown, the Political Leader of the opposition UP said he was not surprised to have seen the GDM endorsing his Presidency.

The former Vice President emphasized the need for a change in leadership and expressed gratitude to those who have chosen to support his candidacy.

“We are going to rescue Liberia because of the quality of people we have in our team to make Liberia better. I want to thank them for making the choice to help rescue this country.

“We are going to change this country from a rogue state. We want to remove the shame from this country. We live in a country where when you criticize the government, then you are ostracized. The choice is simple,” Boakai added.

The former Vice President thanked the other parties and individuals, who had earlier endorsed him.

Those endorsements mark a significant turning point in the race, as UP consolidates opposition’s forces against the incumbent’s presidential bid.

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