Weah Reelection Multitude Frightens Opposition: Several Defeated Candidates Endorse WEAH’s Reelection

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Weah Reelection Multitude Frightens Opposition: Several Defeated Candidates Endorse WEAH’s Reelection

—-As First Lady Clar Marie Hails Continued Endorsement

IPNEWS: Several congregate of defeated candidates in the just ended October 10, presidential and general Legislative election, led by Hon. Paul Koulboi Kennedy, have endorsed the reelection bid for continuation of President George M. Weah’s development agenda.

Hon. Paul Koulboi Kennedy a Senatorial Candidate originally from Bopolu District who won over 5,000 votes joined by Hon. Alfred Gayflor Koiwood another Senatorial Candidate with over 9,000 votes and other Representative Candidates including; Hon. Titus Kamara, Jomah Scott and Fatu Sheriff Schmidt Representative Candidates endorsed the reelection of President George Manneh Weah and Madam Jewel Howard-Taylor.

Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor, received the endorsement on behalf of President Weah in Bopolu City, expressing gratitude and excitement for the composition.

Cross-section of defeated Senatorial candidates.

Earlier, Liberia’s First Lady Ambassador Clar Marie Weah hailed the decision by dozens of residents of District# 17, Montserrado County, to endorse the 2nd term bid of President George Manneh Weah.

Speaking at the endorsement ceremonies, Wednesday, November 1, 2023, in the VOA and Parker Corner Communities, the First Lady described the move as democratic and patriotic.

“Today, you demonstrate one of the tenants of democracy, the right to choose and the freedom to exercise that right,” said First Lady Weah as she praised the residents’ swiftness in rethinking after voting for their respective opposition parties in the October 10 polls.

“Though you decided not to vote for him in the first round like some, I am quite pleased that you have now chosen to exercise the choice democracy gives you and now declare that with what you have seen and now understand that your President, the leader you have always believed in, the person who restored your dignity, is a man that hasn’t changed. He is a person of integrity and a man of his wo. He will never fail you.”

Dozens of partisans from some opposition political parties endorsed President George Manneh Weah on the basis of his numerous development initiatives and commitment to do more when re-elected.

Led by Alvin N. Sonpon, the residents were partisans of Unity Party, Alternative National Congress (ANC) and the African Liberation League (ALL), among others.

Alvvin said that the President’s hand work or development initiatives were undeniable noting that they could not continue to dismiss such achievements only because of being in the opposition.

He named the payment of WASSCE fees, the tuition free policy at all public universities (undergraduate level), and the construction of roads, among others, as some of the president’s impactful projects.

Alvin, who was a fierce critic of the Weah led government, said his group of intellectual militants was resolved to campaign vigorously to ensure the President’s victory.

Liberia’s First Lady Clar Marie Weah

He expressed his desire to support President Weah recently when the President turned the lights on in Virginia, Brewerville, connecting several homes to the national power grid through the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC).

According to him, the lack of electricity in his community and District# 17 as a whole was a primary reason for going against President Weah during the first round of the elections.

Embracing him in the midst of a huge crowd, the First Lady was grateful that many persons from various opposition political parties were changing their minds, noting that they were wise.”Thank you. I am happy you now realize that our country is on the path of development, which will open the eyes on many others,” she reiterated.

The First Lady urged Liberians to see reasons in reelecting President Weah as he remains committed to improving their lives and making the country better.

“President Weah has been working hard in the interest of all you. He has kept his promise to build the roads. Our country is 176 years old, and it is sad that in 171 years, our country didn’t have roads,” Mrs. Weah asserted.

Also in a thundering celebration, ten opposition political parties’ youth leagues over the weekend endorsed incumbent President George Weah.

10 political parties that endorsed President George Weah

The youth leagues come from the Alternative National Congress, African Liberation League, Liberia Rebuilding Party, All Liberian Party, Liberian People’s Party, National Democratic Coalition, Liberia National Union, Liberty Party, All Liberian Coalition Party, and the Movement for Progress Change.

The parties, over the weekend, were represented by their various youth league chairpersons and nearly all executive members of their youth leagues.

Reading a joint statement on behalf of the parties’ youth leagues under the banner, “Consortium of Opposition Political Parties National Youth Leaders”, the chairperson of the All Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP), Austin B. Toe, said President George Weah of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change remains the chosen leader and he deserves a second term.

He added that the runoff election is essential to the growth and future development of the country, noting that they cannot wait to make their decision known in favor of the Liberian leader.

The influx of ‘youth wings’ of political parties endorsing Weah’s 2nd-term campaign follows reports that several other political parties received hundreds of thousands of US dollars in cash and material rewards for endorsing the incumbent presidential candidate.

The United People’s Party (UPP) has officially endorsed President George Weah for a second term in office, aligning themselves with the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) ahead of the upcoming runoff election. The endorsement ceremony took place on October 31, 2023, at Prime FM Radio Station in Monrovia.

At the ceremony, the UPP political leader, Dr. Da Monyson Tarr, emphasized the significance of this moment in Liberia’s democratic journey. He expressed his pride in announcing the party’s unwavering support for President Weah’s reelection bid, stating that the UPP believes in collaboration, unity, and working together for the betterment of Liberia.

Hon. Paul Koulboi Kennedy, and others defeated senatorial candidates.

“We recognize the importance of putting aside partisan differences when it is in the best interest of the people, and we believe that the Coalition for Democratic Change embodies the vision of progress and unity that Liberia needs at this moment,” he said.

Tarr further explained that the CDC embodies the vision of progress and unity that Liberia needs at this moment. The Coalition has demonstrated a commitment to good governance, transparency, and accountability, which are crucial for the success of any democratic society. They have also shown dedication to improving the living conditions of the Liberian people, with a focus on economic growth, education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and job creation.

“The Coalition’s vision includes a deep commitment to good governance, transparency, and accountability,” he said, “These principles are the bedrock of a prosperous nation, and the Coalition for Democratic Change has demonstrated a strong resolve to uphold them. They are committed to justice and fairness, which are integral to the success of any democratic society.”

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