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IPNEWS: CDC National Chairman Mulbah Morlu has rejuvenated the old CDC spirit rallying thousands of partisans to forcefully campaign beginning today for the reelection bid of President George Manneh Weah.

Speaking for scroes of partisans Sunday, November 5, Morlu stated that it was time members of the CDC, and its alliances do all in tier space to retire former Vice President Joseph N. Boakai on November 14, 2023.

Mr. Morlu said the pending November 14, 2023 runoff election is the final opportunity for members of the CDC to do all they can to secure another six-year mandate from the Liberian people to complete the political drive of the CDC-Led government which began eighteen years ago.

Morlu emphasized that the 2023 election is significant to the growth and development of the country and as such CDCians should leave no stone unturned in their efforts to secure victory.

“Another term for President George Weah, is significant to consolidating the many gains made in the transformation of Liberia’s development agenda. Our people are not stupid! I can assure you that our partisans are resolved to come out on November 14, to ensure Joseph Boakai, 48 years politics without tangible results come to an end!” Mulbah Morlu sounded.

Meanwhile, defeated Montserrado County District No. 8 Representative candidate, Rufus Neufville has officially endorsed the reelection bid of President Goerge Manneh Weah.

Hon. Neufville, emphasized that he stands 100% firmly behind the Collaborating Political Parties’ recent decision to support the re-election of President George Weah in the runoff election.

Addressing a news conference, Ambassador Neufville of the Liberty Party, one of the constituent parties of the CPP, stressed that he remains party disciplined and will follow the CPP’s direction to ensure that President Goerge Weah gets re-elected come November 14, 2023, runoff election.

He noted that his support for President Weah’s re-election is similarly predicted on his acceptance of the CPP’s conditions that if re-elected, his government will value the rule of law and tackle corruption among others.

Recently, the standard bearer of the CPP, Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings set up a committee to decide the party’s next political move whether to support the incumbent or former Vice President Joseph Boakai, political leader of the opposition Unity Party, with majority block recommending President George Weah for his second term over the Unity Party.

President George Weah and his main rival Joseph N. Boakai are set for a run-off  after running neck and neck in the just ended October 10 Presidential and Legislative elections.

 Mr. Weah currently has 43.8% of the vote with Mr. Boakai on 43.5%, provisional results show. A candidate needs more than 50% +1 of the vote to be declared the winner.

The 10 October election was Liberia’s closest presidential race since a civil war ended two decades ago.

The election commission released the latest results after votes had been counted in more than 98% of polling stations, giving Mr Weah a slim lead of 5,456 votes.

None of the 18 other presidential candidates received more than 3% in the first round, and the two main candidates are likely to seek their endorsement, as each vote will count in a run-off.

Mr Weah, a former international football star, is seeking a second term as president.

The president won a run-off in the 2017 poll with 61.5% to Mr Boakai’s 38.5%. He got the most votes in the first round of that election – 38.4% to Mr Boakai’s 28.8%, suggesting that Mr Boakai fared better in last week’s poll.

78 years old Joseph N. Boakai served as vice-president in the government of then-President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to achieve peace and stability in Liberia following a brutal civil war that killed an estimated 250,000 people.

He waged his campaign under the slogan “Rescue”, arguing that the West African state went downhill during Mr Weah’s first six years in office.

Mr Weah, 57, has dismissed Mr Boakai’s allegations, saying that he has made significant strides, including introducing free tuition for university students.

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